Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Noise-on-Site : Chapter 2

Noise-on-Site : Chapter 2

Artists :
Alfred 23 Harth (Germany)
Mei Zhiyong (China)
Yellow Crystal (Hong Kong)
Scorpio (Macau)

Special Guest: Sin:Ned (Hong Kong)

Date:May-01, 2013
Time:8:00 pm

澳門美副將大馬路 48-48D 萬基工業大厦10 樓B
Av. Do Coronel Mesquita, Nos 48-48D, Edif. Ind. Man Kei,10B

MOP$100 (at door)
MOP$80 (advance reservation)

Ticket Office: 邊度有音樂(Pin-to Musica)

Programme Inquiry:(853) -28921191

主辦:Pin-to Musica / Day's Eye Records

Alfred 23 Harth (Germany)

檢視Harth的個人音樂生涯真是洋洋灑灑,說他是現存前衛音樂活字典實不為過,這位活躍實驗音樂圈四十多年、集作曲、跨媒體、多樂器演奏於一身的奇人,不但親身經歷過好幾個實驗音樂的變化發展階段,其涉獵範圍之廣與始終不變的實驗精神尤其令人敬重,早在1969年德國新音樂名廠ECM才剛成立時,年僅二十歲的他即以當年西德自由即興組合Just Music成員身份,在ECM留下編號1002的《Just Music》,這張依然沒有CD化的絕版專輯從此成為許多歐陸即興樂迷的夢幻逸品,不過這只是他往後豐富曲折的音樂人生一個小小開始而已。七0年代他跟Heiner Goebbels的二重奏以及跟Uwe Schmitt、Buschi Niebergall的三重奏是當時德國自由爵士的中堅力量,其中他跟Goebbels的合作特別成功,不但以兩人為核心演化出更多組合(最有名的莫過於前衛搖滾四重奏Cassiber),同時留下許多優秀作品,包括1981年他和Goebbels錄製爵士加詩歌的專輯《Zeit wird knapp》,其中的詞源於布萊希特。事實上Harth還真的曾經幫布萊希特的戲劇作品“Der Brotladen(麵包店)”作曲。另外值得一提的是他們是最早將革命京劇音源採樣拼貼在西方當代音樂作品的音樂家。

此外Harth在80年代初也曾經組成大樂團,在ECM/JAPO發行專輯《Es herrscht Uhu im Land》,音樂融合朋克、爵士和古典風格,迅即獲得廣泛注目,往後不管他與John Zorn的二重奏;與Peter Brötzmann和Sonny Sharrock的三重奏;或者是跟Lindsay Cooper和Phil Minton的三重奏等等都十分精彩,加上他靈活運用不同實驗音樂手法在一些劇場、影視、舞蹈跟廣播劇音樂創作,至今留下數量可觀的錄音。2000年後,Harth將觸角伸向韓國及日本,2004起更成為大友良英ONJO樂團首位固定外國成員。這幾年他開始往中國了解新音樂發展狀況,積極跟中國年輕實驗音樂人交流。

Multi-instrumentalist, improviser, composer and visual artist Alfred Harth was born near Frankfurt in 1949. He first recorded at age twenty with the ensemble Just Music, with whom he recorded two LP's, one of which was issued on ECM. Throughout the 1970s he worked with musicians like pianist Nicole Van Den Plas, drummer Sven-Ake Johansson, bassist Peter Kowald, trumpeter Michael Sell and others in West European free music. In the late '70s, he became interested in punk music and in addition to a regularly-working duo with multi-instrumentalist Heiner Goebbels, he worked in punk / progrock / improvisation / modern composition combos like Cassiber and Gestalt et Jive. Since moving to Seoul, South Korea in 2001, he has been involved with Otomo Yoshihide's New Jazz Orchestra and his own multi-media projects.

Mei Zhiyong (China)

粗噪音、環境噪音、噪音磁帶廠牌fuzztape發起人,nojiji死硬團體人員。尋找癲狂 爆炸大音量的方式粗噪音。探索發現聲音在各種古靈精怪發聲器的鑽研。

Harsh noise performer, founder of the tape release label Fuzztape, and member of the Chinese noise collective NOJIJI. As a noise artist, he is looking for insane expression of high volume harsh noise, and unusual ways of releasing sound from all kinds of device.

Yellow Crystal (Hong Kong)

An experimental guitar and electronics duo formed by Sherman and Heivard.
Sherman plays electric guitar and effect pedals. His debut solo work “Politely We Grow Old” was released by Lona Records in 2006.Heivard is a musician / sound artisted based in Hong Kong. An experimentalist who shapes Ambient, Glitch, IDM and other sonic arts into unpredictable forms. His works have been released by Fwonk*, Inside│Outside and other net labels under creative commons licenses.

Sin:Ned (Hong Kong)

Sin:Ned (黃仲輝),樂評人、實驗電音及聲音藝術創作人。Sin:Ned 最早出現於香港另類音樂雜誌 MCB (音樂殖民地),擅長以實驗性文體及偏險的理論化角度進行音樂論述。 同時沉迷及專門鑽研逆向性的實驗聲音創作,和反傳統的發聲技巧。所指涉的範疇包括即興演奏、聲音藝術、實驗音樂、噪音藝術及田野錄音。曾參與及出演過《香港視野音樂節》、大聲展、深圳香港城市\建築双城双年展等藝術展。他的首兩張個人作品《Uroborus: A Study On No-input Device》及《60 Seconds: A Schizophrenic Manual For Eternity》,均於2006年發表於Lona Records名下。他不但是概念電聲學二人組No One Pulse及筆記本電腦三人組iii的成員,同時亦是實驗音樂廠牌Re-Records的創辦人之一。

Sin:Ned, aka Wong Chung-fai, is an unorthodox sonic evangelist who practices improvisational mysticism. He is the co-founder of Re-Records and No One pulse.

Scorpio (Macao)

SCORPIO是藝名, 是一個音樂與影像的結合, 由澳門的雷宏於2010年創立。雷宏自2007年開始創作電子音樂和視覺藝術。

SCORPIO is the stage name, an integration of sound and image, cryptic and dramatic, yet eccentric. It was created by Loi Wang in 2010. Loi Wang is the one-man band. He is based in Macau, and has made electronic music and visual arts since 2007.

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