Tuesday, October 16, 2012

WIKITOPIA - Soundtracking# John Cage 4’33”

WIKITOPIA - Soundtracking# John Cage 4’33”

Date: 21/10/2012 (日 sun) 8pm
Venue: Videotage
Unit 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village,
63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong

John Cage是當代藝術史上其中一位最具代表性的大師。為紀念其出生一百週年,Soundtracking # John Cage以今日數碼互動時代的角度重新思考他最為人認識及最具爭議性的作品4’33”。十一位來自不同領域的藝術家,以彼此不同的知識與經驗,在講求分享和合作的Media Wiki平台(http://soundtrackingjohncage433.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Main_Page)互相沖激,共同重新創造新版本的4’33”。實驗成果將會以展覽及表演結合成參與集體創作。當晚將由Nerve, Dennis Wong 及 Paul Yip 作互動聲域演出。

John Cage is one of the most influential figures in contemporary art history. Soundtracking#John Cage 4’33” takes the chance to celebrate the centennial of his birth by re-thinking his most famous and controversial composition 4’33” in the contemporary culture of collaboration in the digital era.

Eleven talents whose expertise lies in different fields are invited. Each of them re-invents a new 4’33” through collaborating with the others with different knowledge, skills or experiences on a Media Wiki platform (http://soundtrackingjohncage433.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Main_Page), where sharing and collaboration are emphasized. With the actual engagement of the artists and the general public, new versions 4’33” are generated, and would be exhibited and /or performed together as part of the Festival. Nerve, Dennis Wong and Paul Yip will be collaborated for a sound performance.

參與Soundtracking#John Cage 4’33”的藝術家/Artists Participating Soundtracking#John Cage 4'33:

朱力行/Henry Chu
李天倫/Otto Li
羅家恩/Aenon Loo
Eunice Martins
鮑藹倫/Ellen Pau
曾翠珊/Jessey Tsang
王志勇/Chi-Yung Wong
黃仲輝/Dennis Wong
葉浩恩/Paul Yip
袁智聰/Yuen Chi-Chung

NERVE (Steve Hui)

Capacity: 50
Reservation of seat: Please email info@videotage.org.hk or call 2573 1869 by 17.10.2012. First come first served

人數: 50
留座:於17.10.2012前電郵至 info@videotage.org.hk 或致電 2573 1869,先到先得

More info here 更多資料:


文化祭是各種專業知識交流的中樞,以連串廣泛活動,雲集藝術家、信息及通訊技術(ICT) 人員、網絡活躍份子、策展人、作家、思想和其他好奇之士


Wikitopia is the first festival on collaborative future in Hong Kong initiated by Videotage since 2010. The festival aims to act as the pivotal point for artists, ICT personnel, media activists, curators, writers, thinkers and any curious minds to exchange insight and knowledge through a diverse range of programmes in town.

This year, Wikitopia’s theme Data Gaga focuses on data as art, network technology, and the collaborative creativity of the ‘Makers’ Culture. We also expand the festival to a five-month programme from September 2012 - January 2013, including workshops, exhibition, performance, artist forum, screenings, panel, and many others.

WIKITOPIA - Data Gaga including Exhibition, Performance, Artist Talk and Workshops (Talk to me: Botanicalls Twitter DIY, Guerrilla Media: to be or not to be unCloud, and Urban Invader – Urban Attack – Real Time Data and Internet of Things)

More info here 更多資料:

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