The Diplomat Project: Ritual for the Ghosts 異靈祭典Organised by Lona Records & Embassy Projects
Proudly supported by Para/Site &
Sonicity.orgDate: Aug-25, 2007
Time: 19:00 - 22:30
Venue: Para/Site
G/F, 4 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Admission: HK$60 (included 1 x limited edition CD), ticket available at door before performance
Sound (聲音): Alok, Wilson Tsang, Nerve, ZenLu, Sin:Ned , Anytone, No One Pulse , Sherman, Edwin, ahshun aka bjornho
Visual & Installation (視覺及裝置): Adrian Wong, Samantha Culp, domting, sleepatwork, nookei, VJ Forivermann, Mr. O
As a follow-up project for "Dialogue with The Ghosts", a group of local experimental artists, in the eve of the Chinese Ghost Festival, continue to re-establish an on-going dialogue with the deceased. Through a series of multi-media art performance aiming to re-interpret and re-activate various local spiritual beliefs and rituals, we will dive into the world of the unknown and attempt to make contact with those from the other side. The ultimate aim, is to confront and acknowledge, those who had been forgotten, but still exist on the other side (or somewhere deep inside). Art, for us, is the ritual, through which, liberation can be attained.
Audience is invited to bring with them objects or personal belonginigs that represent their “ghost” (unfinished business), or to write down what is haunting them. These obojects and writings (ghosts) will be placed at our main installation (altar) during the performance (ritual), and be burned at the end of the performance (letting go).
All audience will receive a handmade charm and a copy of limited edition CD released by Lona Records, containing re-interpretation mix by Alok, Sin:Ned and KWC, on the sound materials of "Dialogue with the Ghosts", as recorded on July-7, 2007.
觀眾須帶備像徵其個人「心魔」之物件入場 (或以文字或圖像表達於現場提供的紙張上) ,並將這些物件、文字 (鬼) 於演出 (祭典) 時放於場地的主藝術裝置 (供壇) 。演出後,這些物件、文字將會由藝術家以特設儀式焚化 (超度) 。
所有入場觀眾,均獲即場手造之護身符,及由Lona Records限量印製的CD一張 (內含「異靈對話」的現場錄音塑材,並由Alok, Sin:Ned及KWC重新處理混音)。
Program Rundown:
(1) Charm making & pre-performnace DJ Set
(2) Anytone (Sound) + Ahshun (Sound) + VJ Forivermann (Vision)
(3) Sherman (Sound) + Edwin (Sound) + Samantha (Vision)
(4) Alok (Sound) + No One Pulse (Sound) + domting (Vision)
(5) Wilson (Sound) + ZenLu (Sound) + Stella So (Vision)
(6) Nerve (Sound) + Sin:Ned (Sound) + Nookei (Vision) + Twiggy (Vision)
李小姐 / 2517-4620