Friday, December 28, 2007
Chainsia by NIk0
Label: NIkO Label
Catalog: NI001
Format: File, MP3, 128 kbps
Country: Japan
Released: 2007
Credits: Artwork by [Cover]: shotahirama
Curator: shotahirama
Track List:
1 "memorandum for players" by PROVOKE (Osaka, Japan)
2 "Ground Haze" by Darren McClure (Nagano, Japan)
3 "Night Bird" by ZenLu (Schenzhen, China)
4 "GHOSTLOOP" by Miclo Diet (Tokyo, Japan)
5 "erume." by yy_zz (Hongkong, China)
6 "_hryk.25" by yuji kondo (Osaka, Japan)
7 "40x51cm" by Toshitaka Ikeda (Yokohama, Japan)
8 "the 7th troidal line" by Urajiro (Tokyo, Japan)
9 "Liquid Sunshine" by Linda Bjalla (Tokyo, Japan)
10 "Gary Farmer" by shotahirama (Tokyo, Japan)
11 "Bushman" by Sin:Ned (Hongkong, China)
12 "untitle2" by Capricornus (Kyoto, Japan)
13 "media error" by NI. (Japan+China)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
SZ-HK Sonic Architectures
Check out the "SZ-HK Sonic Architectures" at the 2007 Shenzhen & HongKong Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture in Shenzhen.
Sin:Ned and No One Pluse (together with other sound artists from Hong Kong and China such as Dickson Dee, ZenLu, VSOP, Vavabond...etc) are the contributing artists of this project currated by Chui Mo-Ling.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Emmanuel Mieville Live in Hong Kong
Date: 26 October 2007 (Fri)
Time: 8:00pm
Venue: Kapok
Address: G/F. 9 Dragon Road (behind Tin Hau temple), Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Price: $80
Supporting Act: Alok & No One Pulse
Co-Presented by Lona Records & Kapok
Supported by Para/Site
EMMANUEL MIEVILLE is a Paris born French sound artist and experimental musician who studied at the world renowned GRM (Groupe de Recherches Musicales) in the field of musique concrete. He also studied sound engineering and attended a cinema school. His aesthetic concern and direction as a composer originate from a desire to give the listener a shifting or blurred perception of soundscapes. Musical experiments with sound-field materials or objects and instruments are undertaken within the intuitive and dynamic stream of unconscious brain stimulations. Some of his collaborations or improvisations yielding patterns or structures, that express ideas but most of the time, the idea of musical flux lingers on his works.His tropism towards sound scapes, sound sculpting and gathering of spatials tools for composition, provides him with a better understanding and perception of sound, as a vector for social awareness and wisdom. He played for two years with a Javanese gamelan orchestra, and is interested in merging ethnic instruments into electroacoustic music. Amongst other collaborations, he has worked with several dancers for Butoh performances, with French composer/performer Eric Cordier a for live concert (2005), and with Korean video performer, Heesok Yu, for a concert. He also contributes and participates with much constancy to Framework, on Resonance FM (London), which is a radio show dedicated to field recordings.
Emmanuel's myspace page:
For more infos and discography see:
Friday, August 10, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
TDP: Ritual for the Ghosts 異靈祭典
The Diplomat Project: Ritual for the Ghosts 異靈祭典
Organised by Lona Records & Embassy Projects
Proudly supported by Para/Site &
Date: Aug-25, 2007
Time: 19:00 - 22:30
Venue: Para/Site
G/F, 4 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Admission: HK$60 (included 1 x limited edition CD), ticket available at door before performance
Sound (聲音): Alok, Wilson Tsang, Nerve, ZenLu, Sin:Ned , Anytone, No One Pulse , Sherman, Edwin, ahshun aka bjornho
Visual & Installation (視覺及裝置): Adrian Wong, Samantha Culp, domting, sleepatwork, nookei, VJ Forivermann, Mr. O
As a follow-up project for "Dialogue with The Ghosts", a group of local experimental artists, in the eve of the Chinese Ghost Festival, continue to re-establish an on-going dialogue with the deceased. Through a series of multi-media art performance aiming to re-interpret and re-activate various local spiritual beliefs and rituals, we will dive into the world of the unknown and attempt to make contact with those from the other side. The ultimate aim, is to confront and acknowledge, those who had been forgotten, but still exist on the other side (or somewhere deep inside). Art, for us, is the ritual, through which, liberation can be attained.
Audience is invited to bring with them objects or personal belonginigs that represent their “ghost” (unfinished business), or to write down what is haunting them. These obojects and writings (ghosts) will be placed at our main installation (altar) during the performance (ritual), and be burned at the end of the performance (letting go).
All audience will receive a handmade charm and a copy of limited edition CD released by Lona Records, containing re-interpretation mix by Alok, Sin:Ned and KWC, on the sound materials of "Dialogue with the Ghosts", as recorded on July-7, 2007.
觀眾須帶備像徵其個人「心魔」之物件入場 (或以文字或圖像表達於現場提供的紙張上) ,並將這些物件、文字 (鬼) 於演出 (祭典) 時放於場地的主藝術裝置 (供壇) 。演出後,這些物件、文字將會由藝術家以特設儀式焚化 (超度) 。
所有入場觀眾,均獲即場手造之護身符,及由Lona Records限量印製的CD一張 (內含「異靈對話」的現場錄音塑材,並由Alok, Sin:Ned及KWC重新處理混音)。
Program Rundown:
(1) Charm making & pre-performnace DJ Set
(2) Anytone (Sound) + Ahshun (Sound) + VJ Forivermann (Vision)
(3) Sherman (Sound) + Edwin (Sound) + Samantha (Vision)
(4) Alok (Sound) + No One Pulse (Sound) + domting (Vision)
(5) Wilson (Sound) + ZenLu (Sound) + Stella So (Vision)
(6) Nerve (Sound) + Sin:Ned (Sound) + Nookei (Vision) + Twiggy (Vision)
李小姐 / 2517-4620
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Moving Soundscape
6 minutes of Sin:Ned's Moving Soundscape in Guangzhou.
Moving Soundscape is a series of in-car sound art project curated by Yan Jun for Get It Louder 07 ( Shot by Meng Ke (孟可) with digital phone camera.
(original text from
Moving Soundscape is a series of in-car sound art project curated by Yan Jun for Get It Louder 07 ( Shot by Meng Ke (孟可) with digital phone camera.
(original text from
Monday, July 02, 2007
TDP: Dialogue with the Ghosts
GET IT LOUDER 07 - Hong Kong Homeshow (07 大聲展 - 香港咖哩秀)
The Diplomat Project: Dialogue with the Ghosts 異靈對話
日期與時間: 2007年七月七日, 晚上八時
Date & Time: Jul-7, 2007, 8:00 PM
演出場地 (Venue): Embassy Projects
Unit 19, 4/F, Block B Wah Luen Industrial Centre15-21
Wong Chuk Yeung Street
Fo Tan, NT
Hong Kong
香港一眾精英實驗創作人及新晉聲音藝術家,聯同Embassy Projects,將透過聲音、影像、裝置藝術及互動手法等多媒體元素,邀請觀眾一同探索、重新發現及重新體驗一切有關於鬼的概念。各演出藝術家,將會以不同角度,或反思或重新理解,展開不同的異靈對話。同時,觀眾更可於演出後與眾藝術家進行交流與分享他們的鬼故事。
拼合原音樂器、電子音樂及Embassy Projects以多媒體展示的學院派研究成果,籍實驗性構思概念,帶領觀眾以交流形式啟航,體驗一次深入本土文化的破格實驗。當晚的交流成果,將會由Lona Records製作成3”CDR出版發行。
「外交計劃: 異靈對話」乃07 大聲展廣州站之聲音項目之一。
Performance description:
What is ghost? A fed up extistence of human life? A kind of lingering memories? Or a kind of alienation process?
Teaming up with Embassy Projects, a group of experimental aritists and sound artists, will invite the aduience to explore, re-invent and re-experience the concept of ghost, through a series of multi-media performance that incoperates sound, visual, installation and live interaction with the audience. Each artist will be presenting their interpretation on the concept of ghost, and creat their own dialogue with the ghosts. Audience is invited to stay as long as they want after the performnace to share their ghost stories in a chill out party.
Combining acoustic and electronic music, and the multi-media approach of Embassy Projects, this is an experimental live performance that invite the audience for direct communication and interaction. The result of this communion will be published by Lona Records in the format of 3" CD-R.
The is a diplomatic mission of breaking boundaries, between different medium, different roles and different communities. Between the existence that we know and that from the other side.
"The Diplomat Project: Dialogue with the Ghosts" is a sound art event of GET IT LOUDER 07.
概念及策劃 (Concept & Organization): Lona Records + Embassy Projects
支援 (Support): Para/Site
聲音藝術 (Sound Art): Alok / Sin:Ned / KWC / Wilson Tsang / Sherman / Edwin Lo / ahshun aka bjornho
裝置藝術 (Installation Art): Samantha Culp / Adrian Wong / Nookei / Sin:Ned
Program Rundown
1. Edwin (electronics)
2. ahshun aka bjornho (electronics)
3. Sherman (electronics) + Nookei (visual)
4. Wilson Tsang (Piano) + Alok (Electronics) + Samantha Culp (visual)
5. Sin:Ned + Alok + KWC (Radios / Tibetan Singing Bowls / Electronics) + Samantha Culp (Spoken Words & Visual)
6. Discussion with audience + overnight chill out party
免費入場,但因觀眾名額有限,須預先把個人資料 (姓名及聯絡電話) 發電郵到登記。入場觀眾,必須:
1. 自備電池運作之小型FM收音機一個
2. 帶備最喜愛的CD一張 (入埸時交演出藝術家作採樣之用)
3. 穿著黑及/或紅色衣服
How to join:
Free admission. Due to limited admission, please send your name and contact number to to register in advance. All audience should:
1. Bring a small battery operated FM radio
3. 穿著黑及/或紅色衣服
How to join:
Free admission. Due to limited admission, please send your name and contact number to to register in advance. All audience should:
1. Bring a small battery operated FM radio
2. Bring one of your favorite CD (for artists sampling & performance)
3. Dress in black and/or red
場地介紹 (About the Venue)
Embassy Project由Adrian Wong 及Samantha Culp策劃及主理的實驗工作室。借用學院派的研究方法,Adrian及Samantha旨在探找一種「超文化」的體驗。然而,他倆的研究重點,不在於一般學院派的統計學等陳腔濫調。他倆選擇的取向,是深入其進駐點的核心本質。他倆形容自己為外交官,游走於異地現實與夢想之間。
Embassy Projects is a newly formed collaboration between Adrian Anthony Wong and Samantha Hallie Culp. Using a research-based methodology, we seek to explore “trans-cultural” experiences –but rather than focusing on statistics, demographics, or anthropological clichés, we prefer to dig into the heart of the locations we inhabit. The result, we hope, is the experience of crawling into someone else’s head, of mapping their subjective reality, of eating breakfast with their grandparents, while offering up a bit of ourselves as well. We are agitators, architects, and ultimately, diplomats between the foreign lands of dreams and reality, self and other, childhood and everything that comes after.
藝術家介紹 (About the Artists)
Adrian Wong
Adrian Wong was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. Originally trained in research psychology (receiving a Master’s degree from Stanford University in 2003), he began making and exhibiting work in San Francisco while concurrently conducting experiments on young children. He continued his post graduate studies at Yale University, where he received a Master’s of Fine Arts in 2005. A recipient of the Mendelowitz Fellowship for the Arts, his recent exhibitions include “Monstrously Tranquil” at Ingalls and Associates Gallery, Miami; “Community Theatre” at ArtSpace Annex, New Haven; and “STABLE” (with Para/Site Art Space) at Embassy Projects, Hong Kong. Presently, Adrian is teaching sculpture at the Hong Kong Art School and preparing for various exhibitions in Hong Kong and abroad.
ahshun aka bjornho
何謙信,1984 年生。大學主修創意媒體。為樂團A Company成員、﹝自稱﹞藝術家。致力研究聲響、影像、文字。
實驗音樂廠牌Lona Records 的創辦人,自1996年起已活躍於香港獨立音樂圈。其首個樂隊Pillow於1998年解散後,他與Kim 組成了Slow Tech Riddim ,開始以真實樂器結合電子音樂,並出版了兩張專輯及參與了多張合輯的製作。2001年起,他以個人身份繼續拓展其音樂領域,先後出版了三張大碟和三張三吋唱片。自2005年底,他專注於Lona Records 的發展,積極發掘世界各地的優秀音樂人/樂隊,為他們出版唱片及作推廣發行。2006年12月,他與L W T V 的現場錄音合成品 於 Little Sound 出版,限量發行。
3. Dress in black and/or red
場地介紹 (About the Venue)
Embassy Project由Adrian Wong 及Samantha Culp策劃及主理的實驗工作室。借用學院派的研究方法,Adrian及Samantha旨在探找一種「超文化」的體驗。然而,他倆的研究重點,不在於一般學院派的統計學等陳腔濫調。他倆選擇的取向,是深入其進駐點的核心本質。他倆形容自己為外交官,游走於異地現實與夢想之間。
Embassy Projects is a newly formed collaboration between Adrian Anthony Wong and Samantha Hallie Culp. Using a research-based methodology, we seek to explore “trans-cultural” experiences –but rather than focusing on statistics, demographics, or anthropological clichés, we prefer to dig into the heart of the locations we inhabit. The result, we hope, is the experience of crawling into someone else’s head, of mapping their subjective reality, of eating breakfast with their grandparents, while offering up a bit of ourselves as well. We are agitators, architects, and ultimately, diplomats between the foreign lands of dreams and reality, self and other, childhood and everything that comes after.
藝術家介紹 (About the Artists)
Adrian Wong
Adrian Wong was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. Originally trained in research psychology (receiving a Master’s degree from Stanford University in 2003), he began making and exhibiting work in San Francisco while concurrently conducting experiments on young children. He continued his post graduate studies at Yale University, where he received a Master’s of Fine Arts in 2005. A recipient of the Mendelowitz Fellowship for the Arts, his recent exhibitions include “Monstrously Tranquil” at Ingalls and Associates Gallery, Miami; “Community Theatre” at ArtSpace Annex, New Haven; and “STABLE” (with Para/Site Art Space) at Embassy Projects, Hong Kong. Presently, Adrian is teaching sculpture at the Hong Kong Art School and preparing for various exhibitions in Hong Kong and abroad.
ahshun aka bjornho
何謙信,1984 年生。大學主修創意媒體。為樂團A Company成員、﹝自稱﹞藝術家。致力研究聲響、影像、文字。
實驗音樂廠牌Lona Records 的創辦人,自1996年起已活躍於香港獨立音樂圈。其首個樂隊Pillow於1998年解散後,他與Kim 組成了Slow Tech Riddim ,開始以真實樂器結合電子音樂,並出版了兩張專輯及參與了多張合輯的製作。2001年起,他以個人身份繼續拓展其音樂領域,先後出版了三張大碟
Alok曾參與現場演出無數,包括 Berlin Hong Kong Festival (2001)、Rechenzentrum Vs Slow Tech Riddim (2001)、Hong Kong international film festival closing party (2002)、Rockit festival (2004)、 Mondialito Live in Hong Kong (2005)、AGF Live in Hong Kong (2005) 和 Lona Records "Take off Your Headphone & Turn to 10" (2007) 等。
Alok, a self-taught guitarist and bassist, formed his first band Pillow early in 1996. After they disbanded in mid 98, he formed Slow Tech Riddim with Kim, when they started combining electronic music with live instruments. Together they had published two albums and contributed in numerous compilation releases. Since 2001, Alok appeared as a solo artist. He published the first 3" mini album
生於一九八四年情人節。現為香港城市大學創意媒體二年生。深愛讀各類書本、聆聽各類聲音作品。 2006年開始創作聲音創作。其聲音作品見於腦波交流 (BrainWave Communication) 合輯《BrainWave Communication VA》以及由小聲(Little Sound) 在今年五月出版的三吋唱片。
KWC (巢健威,又名Anytone及ok_static),No One Pulse之策劃人之一,亦是多媒體設計共同體Sleepatwork之幕後主腦。成立於2002年,Sleepatwork之創作極其廣泛,曾指涉之範疇包括平面設計、插畫、動畫、網頁設計以至藝術項目策劃及音樂製作。其作品不但可見於不少展覽項目及書刊,他亦曾策劃多個藝術項目如 ”Media Jam”, “60 Seconds”, “A2 Exhibition” 等。其作品一覽,可詳見於。 與此同時,他亦曾以ok_static名義自家製作raster-noton式的電子雜音專輯。
KWC (Chau Kin-Wai, aka Anytone and ok_static), one of the founding members of No One Pulse, also the mastermind behind Sleepatwork, a multi-media design collective founded in may 2002 with interest ranging widely from graphic design to animation, web design to music. His artworks had appeared in quite a number of exhibitions and publications. He was also the curator of various art projects such as “Media Jam”, “60 Seconds”, and “A2 Exhibition”. His prolific portfolio can be found on Beside Sleepatwork, he had also worked under the name ok_static (and in recent years, Anytone and KWC), releasing homemade CD of static and noise not unlike those from raster-noton.
Muti-media artist. Deeply in love with dark music and all visual and installation art creation.
Samantha Culp
Samantha Culp was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. As an undergraduate at Yale University, she was a recipient of several arts grants, including a Kingsley Trust Fellowship to film a documentary in the Pacific islands of Micronesia. After graduating with a BA in Literature, she moved to Hong Kong to teach at the Chinese University as a Yale-China Fellow. She founded the film screening series "Superplex" at the Chinese University, and writes on contemporary Asian arts and culture for publications such as the South China Morning Post, Shift, The Fader, and RES. She is currently working on various writing, curating, and film projects, such as a documentary about Chungking Mansions and an overseas traveling exhibit of young Hong Kong artists for the 10th anniversary of July 1, 1997. She is also a summer 2007 FUSE Artist-in-Residence at Videotage.
何嘉進﹐二十三歲﹐不善辭令卻愛製造聲音﹐也寫作。他的首張個人作品“Politely We Grow Old”於2006年發表於Lona Records名下。
Sin:Ned (黃仲輝),樂評人、實驗電音及聲音藝術創作人。 Sin:Ned 最早出現於香港另類音樂雜誌 MCB (音樂殖民地),擅長以實驗性文體及偏險的理論化角度進行音樂論述。除 MCB外,其音樂論述文字亦散見於《號外》、《明報》等不同刋物。其後,更進一步沉迷以電腦軟體及各種非正統發聲工具製樂。一度是網上音樂共同體Tapegerm之成員,於2003年亦曾出演《香港視野音樂節》(Sound & Vision Festival) 之Media Jam項目《Survival Kit》。早期創作可見於《Music For Your Beautiful Boy》、《Mondisk》、《MCB200》、Alok的《29 Minutes From The End》及Tapegerm共同體的多款合輯。他的首兩張個人作品《Uroborus: A Study On No-input Device》 及 《60 Seconds: A Schizophrenic Manual For Eternity》,均於2006年發表於Lona Records名下。2006年, Sin:Ned與多媒體創作共同體Sleepatwork之主腦巢健威組成概念組合No One Pulse,並分別於香港的Lona Records及中國的Little Sound發表了二步曲實驗電音專輯《Tele》及《Pathic》。
Sin:Ned (Wong Chung-Fai), an idiosyncratic writer and a sonic junkie from Hong Kong, hacks and twists anything he can put his hands on. One of the major contributing writers of the legendary Hong Kong alternative music magazine MCB. While not writing as a pseudo-music critic elaborating his esoteric worldview, in the same idiosyncratic fashion, he spends much of his time hacking and sculpting sonic materials with his laptop and various electronic gears. Used to be a member of the internet-based music collective Tapegerm, and had also performed as a sonic improviser in the “Media Jam – Survival Kit” of 03 HK Sound And Vision Festival. Some of his earlier sound works can be found in various releases such as “Music For Your Beautiful Boy”, “Mondisk”, “MCB200”, Alok’s “29 Minutes From The End” and several compilations released by the Tapegerm collective. His first two solo works, “Uroborus: A Study On No-input Device” and “60 Seconds: A Schizophrenic Manual For Eternity”, were both released by Lona Records in 2006. In 2006, Sin:Ned formed a concept group, No One Pulse, with his long time collaborator Chau Kin-Wai (Sleepatwork), and released first two installments of their experimentation, “Tele” and “Pathic” , under Lona Records (Hong Kong) and Little Sound (China) respectively.
Wilson Tsang
曾永曦,自幼隨母研習古典鋼琴,其後受外國多種音樂潮流影響下,開始探索不同之音樂風格,包括搖滾、民謠、爵士怨曲等,並于九十年代初正式以業餘身份進入香港獨立音樂圈子。在1993 年,曾創作及演出首個個人音樂會“熱壼仔音樂故事”,作為當年藝穗節節目之一;于95年,曾與本地作家小西及朗天合作,創作“給阿米巴節信”——一個結合舞臺,音樂及動作之劇場;在97年,曾與另一本地音樂人潘德恕合作,舉行多媒體音樂舞蹈劇場“極樂世界一九九七”,並邀請日本編舞者松島誠進行創作,曾亦於此演出中同時以樂手及演員身份出現,於年末,其音樂部份亦以CD形式公開發行。98年初曾再度參與藝穗節,並進行其第二個個人音樂創作劇“卵石屋之歌”,並請來本地錄影人盧燕珊負責視像及服裝設計;由’00年至’02年間,曾亦3度被澳門石頭公社邀請,參與當地之街頭文化活動。除了音樂創作之外,曾亦同時活躍於本地之視藝工作包括公開其畫作及參與不同大小的展覽,曾並為本港不同之刊物及雜誌作插圖;于96年,曾編繪及出版其創作故事集“12 Tales in 11 Monochromes”,並得到香港藝術發展局資助。曾現職平面設計師。
Wilson first learned music in his early childhood from his mother. Influence started from early 80's pop sound including rock, electronic and Jazz. Later by chance he was exposed to the more alternative world of music including John Zorn, Tom Waits as well as the disbanded local group The Box, that opened up his ear to a greater music language. For the last 10 years he had been more inclined in exploring sound for media such as theatres and video art until early 2003, with the help of a friend, he released his first solo CD "Stuck in Traffic" and since then he became more focused on making songs and music that he could "play on stage". The 2nd album "Little Cold Red", released with Harbour Records, was a more in-depth collection of such effort. Recently he start shifting his focus back to theatre music to discover the possiblities and roles of music, particularly as a minimalistic expession as well as story-teller.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
纽约城市设计学院院长Olympia Kazi讲座题目:乌托邦时代的公民设计师 (Engagement Fever: Citizens or Designers of the New Utopia?)时间:2007年6月23日星期六上午11:00 AM地点:大声展剧场(GIL Theatre)-正佳广场3 楼3C081室(东南广场扶梯直上)免费参加,但仅限100个听众,从现在起接受网上报名。请把你的真实姓名、身份证号、年龄、职业等信息发到,然后等待EMAIL通知领票入场。
纽约城市设计学院院长Olympia Kazi讲座题目:乌托邦时代的公民设计师 (Engagement Fever: Citizens or Designers of the New Utopia?)时间:2007年6月23日星期六上午11:00 AM地点:大声展剧场(GIL Theatre)-正佳广场3 楼3C081室(东南广场扶梯直上)免费参加,但仅限100个听众,从现在起接受网上报名。请把你的真实姓名、身份证号、年龄、职业等信息发到,然后等待EMAIL通知领票入场。
07大声展广州开幕礼时间:2007年6月23日星期六下午3:00 PM地点:正佳广场中央中庭 凭请柬参加
艺术家及媒体见面会时间:2007年6月23日星期六下午4:30 PM地点:大声展剧场(GIL Theatre)-正佳广场3 楼3C081室(东南广场扶梯直上)出席:07大声展部分参展艺术家免费参加,但仅限100个听众。从现在起接受网上报名。请把你的真实姓名、身份证号、年龄、职业等信息发到,然后等待EMAIL通知领票入场。
电影《马乌甲》放映及导演赵晔见面会时间:2007年6月23日星期六晚上8:00 PM地点:大声展剧场(GIL Theatre)-正佳广场3 楼3C081室(东南广场扶梯直上)免费参加,但仅限100个听众,从现在起接受网上报名。请把你的真实姓名、身份证号、年龄、职业等信息发到,然后等待EMAIL通知领票入场。
After Party
Hosted by Modern Media, casual and fun, especially for artists and exhibition team时间:2007年6月23日星期六晚上11:30 PM地点:CK 酒吧凭请柬、07大声展工作证及参展证参加。
声音艺术家: Alok、Sin:Ned
正佳广场正门出发,沿天河路走至石牌东右转, 石牌东一直走至黄埔大道西右转, 黄埔大道东一直走至石牌西路右转, 左转经过神怡保健、天河中学, 至天河东右转,至天河北,再到五山路,经石牌东, 最后返正佳。
声音艺术家: KWC、Fathmount、ZeuLu
由正佳广场正门出发至达道路一直走至美华北路右转 > 由美华北路入新河浦路,至龟岗路右转,至庙前直街右转,至寺贝通津道左转,至达通路右转,至烟墩路保安前街右转,至培正路左转,至新河浦路右转,至恤孤院路右转,至庙前直街左转,再返回正佳正门。
2007年6月23日星期六,6月24日星期日,6月30日星期六,7月1日星期日,7月7日星期六每天14:00 、15:00、 16:00、17:00、 19:00发车。
2007年6月23日星期六,6月24日星期日,6月30日星期六,7月1日星期日,7月7日星期六每天14:00 、15:00、 16:00、17:00、 19:00发车。
听游记项目在广州仅在上述日期实施,每天2部Mini Cooper车,2条路线,4到6趟行车,每车只能接载2到3名观众,艺术家仅参加开幕当天的作品实施。请先阅读具体的听游记方案,然后选择你想要参与的作品,告诉我们你希望参与的日期和备选日期(你也可以写上为 “随便哪天我都愿意参加”),同时请把你的真实姓名、身份证号、年龄、职业、联络电话等信息发到,确认后我们会通过邮件和电话和你联系。
2007年6月24日星期日上午10:00- 12:00
参加艺术家:No One Pluse,Alok,Fathmount
Pecha Kucha+声音表演
2007年6月30日星期六晚上8:00MAYA工作室, 先烈中路81号大院32栋南2楼
参加者:网络杂志《Coldtea》《Pigstyle》《after17》《CLOOZ》, 独立刊物《TOO》《Unit》《Rice》
声音艺术家Fathmount, 巢健威 (KWC)
香港九龙上海街716号三楼“唐三”Band 房
参加艺术家:廖伟棠,小高,查理, 阿韬, 小曼
都市焦虑(Urban Anxiety)
参加艺术家:陆正(07大声展声音艺术家),王梆,David Keyton, 吕乐(以电影参加),麦海珊
2007年7月4日晚上7:30-10:30 PM
参加艺术家:陆正,Mr Graham,Maria,汪业顶,MAKE 24
The Diplomat Project (The Embassy Project + Lona Records)
2007年7月7日晚上8:00 PM
参加艺术家:Wilson Tsang, Sherman, Edwin, 何谦信
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
城市的声音呢? 它在向我们诉说着甚么? 我们从没有认真的关注过。
艺术家: Alok、Sin:Ned
艺术家: KWC、fathmount
听游记(Moving Soundscape)
交通工具已经变成我们和世界沟通的一种必需。我们的身体不断移动,从这里到那里;城市也在移动、变形,从过去到未来。虽然不是每个人都拥有汽车,但是每个人都通过它,来实现移动,来穿行,并体会到城市的形体、形体之下的秘密。熟视无睹的声音,每天充斥在熟视无睹的城市中,我们和我们的耳朵一起,穿过道路,穿过时间,体验到了想要体验到的那些东西,也和更多的擦肩而过。最熟悉的风景,也是最陌生和新鲜的风景。听游记是一组利用行驶的汽车来创作的声音艺术作品。或者说,听游记是一组利用城市来创作的声音艺术作品。这个想法也许要追溯到1960年代的达达追随者和激浪派艺术家,甚至更早,到1913年,路易吉·卢索诺(Luigi Russolo)的《噪音的艺术》(The Art of Noise);但也许只是我们对周遭环境的一种本能反应。探索我们身处其中的城市、以新的角度加入它、和它对话、和它共谋;或者,探索我们的身体,在运动中,在封闭的小空间里检视它,让它体验。这都是可能的。而当我们宣称一切皆有可能的时候,可能性已经淹没在太多的可能性之中,它自己也要去探索、唤醒、体验,重新聆听。听游记是一场出游,只要你带着耳朵,上车。你将听到汽车的哼唱(发动机和车体振动)、城市的呼吸(无所不在的环境噪音),然后是艺术家的选择和创造,他们可能会从城市的角落收集声音碎片,可能把纷乱的街景当成诗歌来朗诵,可能用新技术延伸感官和想象,也可能只是制造噪音——在充满噪音的生活中,还有什么比重新品尝噪音更有趣的?在四个城市的大声展开幕当天,艺术家还会坐进汽车,和观众一起体验,或者说,一起创作。所有的观众,都需要提前报名;有的观众,会从准备阶段就加入创作;这些作品也不限于汽车,相关的网络、出版、延续活动,会和声音一样来来去去,相互关联。这场出游早已开始,在某个不经意聆听无用之物的瞬间,在远处的铃声、音乐声勾起想象的瞬间,在风吹着车窗、让人出神的瞬间,我们已经开始享受风景。(颜峻)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Sound Artists for GIL 07
List of Sound Artists for Get It Louder 2007:
718 (Sun Lei)
B6 (Lou Nanli)
Bai Tian
Chen Zhipeng
Dickson Dee (Li Chinsong)
Fathmount (Lee, Wilson )
Hong Qile
Huan Qing
Huang Jin
iLoop (Luo Hao)
17CM (Jimu/Jiang Zhuyun + Shi Chuan@Hangzhou)
Douglas Lee
Li Jianhong + Vavabond (Wei Wei)
Li Kun
Lin Chi-Wei
Ma Fei San
me:mo (Zhai Ruixin)
No One Pulse
Sin:Ned (Wong Chung-Fai)
Sulumi (Sun Dawei)
Top Floor Circles
Torturing Nurse
Wang Fan
Jupiter Xu
EVENT-STRUCTURE (Yang Tao + aaajiao/Xu Wenkai)
Zafka (Zhang Anding)
Zenlu (Lu Zheng)
718 (Sun Lei)
B6 (Lou Nanli)
Bai Tian
Chen Zhipeng
Dickson Dee (Li Chinsong)
Fathmount (Lee, Wilson )
Hong Qile
Huan Qing
Huang Jin
iLoop (Luo Hao)
17CM (Jimu/Jiang Zhuyun + Shi Chuan@Hangzhou)
Douglas Lee
Li Jianhong + Vavabond (Wei Wei)
Li Kun
Lin Chi-Wei
Ma Fei San
me:mo (Zhai Ruixin)
No One Pulse
Sin:Ned (Wong Chung-Fai)
Sulumi (Sun Dawei)
Top Floor Circles
Torturing Nurse
Wang Fan
Jupiter Xu
EVENT-STRUCTURE (Yang Tao + aaajiao/Xu Wenkai)
Zafka (Zhang Anding)
Zenlu (Lu Zheng)
Monday, April 23, 2007
No One Pulse - Room 337: The Towel
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Get It Louder 2007
2007大声展第一份展览广告,将刊登于下周的《周末画报》,设计:Rex Koo。07大声展的时间和场地:广州-2007.6.23-7.7-正佳广场;上海-2007.7.21-8.4-大宁国际商业广场;北京-2007.8.16-9.1-SOHO尚都。今年还将增加一站成都,具体时间和场地迟些公布。
Monday, April 09, 2007
Playlist 070409
Alva Noto - Xerrox Vol.1 (raster-noton)
alva noto + ryuichi sakamoto - revep (raster-noton)
Alva Noto - For (L-NE)
Ryoji Ikeda - Dataplex (ratser-noton)
Ryoji Ikeda - formula (Book + DVD) (Forma Arts & Media Ltd)
Taylor Deupree - Stil (12k)
Richard Chartier + Taylor Deupree - Specification.Fifteen (L-NE)
Richard Chartier - Tracing (NVO)
Richard Chartier - Incidence (raster-noton)
William Basinski - Variations for Piano & Tape (Musex)
alva noto + ryuichi sakamoto - revep (raster-noton)
Alva Noto - For (L-NE)
Ryoji Ikeda - Dataplex (ratser-noton)
Ryoji Ikeda - formula (Book + DVD) (Forma Arts & Media Ltd)
Taylor Deupree - Stil (12k)
Richard Chartier + Taylor Deupree - Specification.Fifteen (L-NE)
Richard Chartier - Tracing (NVO)
Richard Chartier - Incidence (raster-noton)
William Basinski - Variations for Piano & Tape (Musex)
Little Sound: Chinese New Year 2007
A new compilation called Chinese New Year 2007 (4 x 3" CD set) from Little Sound, with a track of mine created with insects and fire cracker sounds collected in Lantau during 2002 Chinese New Year.
cd 01 (18′08″)
01 Phr@nc - 平凉汽车西站报时
01 Phr@nc - 平凉汽车西站报时
02 Torturing Nurse - Jiang
03 puzzycat - Bonnnnbaaaaa
04 Zister - God Bless Your Offspring
05 王长存 - Various Artists
cd 02 (20′14″)
01 Tmdbbc - Before Collapsing
01 Tmdbbc - Before Collapsing
02 谢仲其 - Firecracker
03 Guoxin Chan - 零II
04 Vavabond - 粘
05 温展力 - 他看风他们嬉弄门口的神
cd 03 (22′17″)
01 洪启乐 - SQHJ
01 洪启乐 - SQHJ
02 ATE - 琴唱
03 DoWn - 连抹味
04 zhu jianhui - Chinaaaaaah!
cd 04 (23′46″)
01 安琦 - 春 of JC
01 安琦 - 春 of JC
02 Hitlike - Ideology
03 Alok - A Piece Of My Little Sound
04 杨韬 - Chunjie
05 Sin:Ned - Lantau 2002
march 2007 ls9001
little sound records
designed by nowhereblue
Thursday, April 05, 2007
No One Pulse - Pathic
2nd installment of No One Pulse has been released by Little Sound. It is available for purchase online at Little Sound (
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Sound Artists: Fathmount / 陆正(Zen Lu) / Sin:Ned
Art Director: Gary Chan
Film by: Kubrick Lam
Engineer: Van / Iphen
主办:DBG广州设制+GET IT LOUDER大声展(声音)
地点:DBG 2906 STUDIO
Friday, March 09, 2007
we play neo sound!
Dickson Dee (Hong Kong)
Alok Leung (Hong Kong)
Wilson Tsang (Hong Kong)
Sin:Ned (Hong Kong)
No One Pulse (Hong Kong)
Zen Lu (Shenzhen)
Huang Jian (Shenzhen)
Abai (Shenzhen)
Date: Mar-25, 2007
Time: 20:30 - 23:30
Venue: MooKa SPACES
F3 Block, Mooka Space, Enping Road, Oversea Chinese Town, Shenzhen, China
Ticket: 20 RMB
Enquiry: 86-755-83452586
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Listen up: When the Plug is ON
UG-01 Festival Walk
80 Tat Chee Anvenue, Kowloon Tong, HK
Date: Mar-1 to Mar-14, 2007
Sound Installation: Mr. I
Video Editing: domting
Painting: Wilson Tsang
Opening Show
Date: Mar-3, 2007
Time: 3:00pm - 5;00pmArtists:
Wilson Tsang
No One Pulse
Special Guest: ZenLu (Shenzhen)
MC: Wong Chi Chung
MC: Wong Chi Chung
Organised by Lona Records
The Exhibition (1 March – 14 March 2007):
“Listen up: When the Plug is ON” is the very first multi-media exhibition organised by Lona Records. This two-week exhibition at LOG-ON (Festival Walk) will showcase creative works including sound installation, videos and paintings by local independent artists, all of which are centered around the theme of music.
Prick up your ears and keep your eyes wide open once you step into our eye-dazzling exhibition zone—you are walking toward a new aesthetics of experimentalism.
The Opening Show (3 March 2007, 3pm-5pm):
On 3 March 2007, four idiosyncratic experimental artists—Sin:Ned, Wilson Tsang, No One Pulse (aka Sin:Ned and Chau Kin-wai) and our special guest from the mainland China, ZenLu will take us on a two-hour sonic journey. From melancholic piano tunes to minimal or sophisticated atmospheric electronic sounds, they are bound to make an ordinary Saturday afternoon in a bustling shopping mall sparkle with a stream of unique airwaves. (MC: Wong Chi Chung)
On 3 March 2007, four idiosyncratic experimental artists—Sin:Ned, Wilson Tsang, No One Pulse (aka Sin:Ned and Chau Kin-wai) and our special guest from the mainland China, ZenLu will take us on a two-hour sonic journey. From melancholic piano tunes to minimal or sophisticated atmospheric electronic sounds, they are bound to make an ordinary Saturday afternoon in a bustling shopping mall sparkle with a stream of unique airwaves. (MC: Wong Chi Chung)
由香港獨立音樂廠牌Lona Records籌辦的Listen up: When the Plug is ON多媒體藝術展覽,結集本地各界的創作人,分別以聲音裝置、攝影錄像及美術作品的形式,合共營造一個令人耳目一新的視聽環境,展現其獨樹一幟的實驗美學。是次展覽中的所有展品及商品,皆由音樂出發、以音樂為題,探索由音樂延伸至其他藝術形式的可能性。
由香港獨立音樂廠牌Lona Records籌辦的Listen up: When the Plug is ON多媒體藝術展覽,結集本地各界的創作人,分別以聲音裝置、攝影錄像及美術作品的形式,合共營造一個令人耳目一新的視聽環境,展現其獨樹一幟的實驗美學。是次展覽中的所有展品及商品,皆由音樂出發、以音樂為題,探索由音樂延伸至其他藝術形式的可能性。
開幕表演(2007年3月3日, 3:00pm – 5:00pm):
這次開幕表演請來了多位大膽創新、意念獨特的另類/實驗音樂人,包括 Sin:Ned、Wilson Tsang、實驗電音樂團No One Pulse和來自中國內地的特別嘉賓ZenLu,為大家帶來少有接觸的另類聲音——從深沉憂悒的鋼琴音樂到簡約微模或結構嚴密的氣氛化電音,他們將以其獨一無二的聲響創作迸發出電波流竄的無限靈感。此外,我們亦有幸邀得資深音樂人/DJ黃志淙擔任當日的司儀,作為觀眾最親切合適的音樂解說人。
這次開幕表演請來了多位大膽創新、意念獨特的另類/實驗音樂人,包括 Sin:Ned、Wilson Tsang、實驗電音樂團No One Pulse和來自中國內地的特別嘉賓ZenLu,為大家帶來少有接觸的另類聲音——從深沉憂悒的鋼琴音樂到簡約微模或結構嚴密的氣氛化電音,他們將以其獨一無二的聲響創作迸發出電波流竄的無限靈感。此外,我們亦有幸邀得資深音樂人/DJ黃志淙擔任當日的司儀,作為觀眾最親切合適的音樂解說人。
Friday, February 09, 2007
Playlist 070209
Various Artists - Mixtape for Evisu 2007 (Lona Records, pre-release copy)
CHoP - Over A Foul Line / Simple Questions (etaLABEL)
Ghost - In Stromy Nights (Drag City)
Overhang Party - Live Before And After (Musik Atlach)
Wu Quan - Support The Umbrella To Stand In Dust That Float Float (Kwanyin Records)
Tie Guan Yin Duo - Live At 798 Cubic Art Centre (Kwanyin Records)
Dead J - Mental Magic (Modern Sky)
Longmo - Sanban (Leerraum)
Zbigniew Karkowski & Li Chin Sung - Revenge Of Yin And Yang (Noise Asia)
Zbigniew Karkowski/Li Chin Sung/Wang Fan/Fannullone - Live At Waterland Kwanyin (Kwanyin Records)
CHoP - Over A Foul Line / Simple Questions (etaLABEL)
Ghost - In Stromy Nights (Drag City)
Overhang Party - Live Before And After (Musik Atlach)
Wu Quan - Support The Umbrella To Stand In Dust That Float Float (Kwanyin Records)
Tie Guan Yin Duo - Live At 798 Cubic Art Centre (Kwanyin Records)
Dead J - Mental Magic (Modern Sky)
Longmo - Sanban (Leerraum)
Zbigniew Karkowski & Li Chin Sung - Revenge Of Yin And Yang (Noise Asia)
Zbigniew Karkowski/Li Chin Sung/Wang Fan/Fannullone - Live At Waterland Kwanyin (Kwanyin Records)
Monday, January 29, 2007
Seripop - Poster Art Extraordinaire [DIY or DIE!]
Venue: Ka-Pok
G/F, 9 Dragon Road
Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Date: Jan 29 – Feb 8, 2007
Opening: Feb 3, 2007, 7:00 PM
w/Performance by Runar Magnusson (Iceland) & DJ elle est chiNOISE
Curated by White Noise Records & LOUDSPKR
" Screen-printing design duo Seripop (Montreal), makes show posters that abuse colour, disembowel type, and contort the mind. This exhibition features some of their many hand-printed posters and exclusive art prints that are representative of a technique and style unique the noise rock movement that emerged across North America.
Seripop's visual aesthetic has become an expression of a music culture and attitude that is not so prominent in Hong Kong. DIY ethics, independent culture, and punk lie at the crux of their work. Fittingly, the two are also a part of noise rock band Aids Wolf, and have toured their music and art extensively across US and Europe.
In June 2006, Seripop was invited to do the poster new experimental music festival in Hong Kong: Sand Fest that took place at Para/site Art Space in co-production with White Noise Records.
Continuing the link between art and music, White Noise Records will be inviting Runar Magnusson (Iceland) to perform. His experimental sounds share an attitude towards music that compliments the aesthetic and drive of Seripop.
A raucous DJ set by elle est chiNOISE who will be spinning anything from feedback to gangsta rap, will follow. "
Runar Magnusson:
White Noise Records:
G/F, 9 Dragon Road
Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Date: Jan 29 – Feb 8, 2007
Opening: Feb 3, 2007, 7:00 PM
w/Performance by Runar Magnusson (Iceland) & DJ elle est chiNOISE
Curated by White Noise Records & LOUDSPKR
" Screen-printing design duo Seripop (Montreal), makes show posters that abuse colour, disembowel type, and contort the mind. This exhibition features some of their many hand-printed posters and exclusive art prints that are representative of a technique and style unique the noise rock movement that emerged across North America.
Seripop's visual aesthetic has become an expression of a music culture and attitude that is not so prominent in Hong Kong. DIY ethics, independent culture, and punk lie at the crux of their work. Fittingly, the two are also a part of noise rock band Aids Wolf, and have toured their music and art extensively across US and Europe.
In June 2006, Seripop was invited to do the poster new experimental music festival in Hong Kong: Sand Fest that took place at Para/site Art Space in co-production with White Noise Records.
Continuing the link between art and music, White Noise Records will be inviting Runar Magnusson (Iceland) to perform. His experimental sounds share an attitude towards music that compliments the aesthetic and drive of Seripop.
A raucous DJ set by elle est chiNOISE who will be spinning anything from feedback to gangsta rap, will follow. "
Runar Magnusson:
White Noise Records:
Werner Dafeldecker + Dickson Dee Live @ De-Javu
Artist: Werner Dafeldecker + Dickson Dee
Date: Feb-2, 2007 (Fri)
Time: 8:30 pm
Ticket: $60
Venue: De-Javu
Flat K, 1/F, Po Foo Building
1 Foo Ming St.
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
Date: Feb-2, 2007 (Fri)
Time: 8:30 pm
Ticket: $60
Venue: De-Javu
Flat K, 1/F, Po Foo Building
1 Foo Ming St.
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Playlist 070128
Cale/Conrad/Maclise/Young/Zazeela - Inside The Dream Syndicate Volume I: Day Of Niagara (1965) (Table Of The Elements)
Tony Conrad - Early Minimalism Volume One (Table Of The Elements)
John Cale - New York In The 1960s (Table Of The Elements)
Tony Conrad with Faust - Outside The Dream Syndicate (Table Of The Elements)
Tony Conrad - Slapping Pythagoras (Table Of The Elements)
Charlemagne Palestine - Strumming Music (New Tone)
Charlemagne Palestine - God Bear (Barooni)
L W TV - Put On The Headphone and Turn To 10 (Lona Records)
Alok & L W T V - Amidst The Boredom They Gather Forces (Little Sound)
L W T V Live @ Videotage Jan-20, 2007 (private recording)
Tony Conrad - Early Minimalism Volume One (Table Of The Elements)
John Cale - New York In The 1960s (Table Of The Elements)
Tony Conrad with Faust - Outside The Dream Syndicate (Table Of The Elements)
Tony Conrad - Slapping Pythagoras (Table Of The Elements)
Charlemagne Palestine - Strumming Music (New Tone)
Charlemagne Palestine - God Bear (Barooni)
L W TV - Put On The Headphone and Turn To 10 (Lona Records)
Alok & L W T V - Amidst The Boredom They Gather Forces (Little Sound)
L W T V Live @ Videotage Jan-20, 2007 (private recording)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Interview of Alok & Footage @ Videotage
An interview of Alok and some live footage of Take Off The Headphone & Turn to 10 @ Videotage...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Take Off the Headphone and Turn to 10
Lona Records 3" CD Singles Series Live 01
Date: 20 Jan 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 8:00 pm
Venue: Videotage
Unit 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village
63 Ma Tau Kok Road
To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong
Splinter VS Stalin (Italy)
Zenlu (Shenzhen)
Huang Jian (Shenzhen)
Wilson Tsang
No One Pulse
Magdalen Wong
Lona Records:
Date: 20 Jan 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 8:00 pm
Venue: Videotage
Unit 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village
63 Ma Tau Kok Road
To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong
Splinter VS Stalin (Italy)
Zenlu (Shenzhen)
Huang Jian (Shenzhen)
Wilson Tsang
No One Pulse
Magdalen Wong
Lona Records:
Monday, January 08, 2007
No One Pulse - Tele
The 1st installment of No One Pulse sound work, "Tele", is scheduled to be released by Lona Records on Jan-20, 2007, and will be available for purchase online from Lona Records and Monitor Records.
Track Listing:
01. #2 (10:00)
02. #4 (10:00)
02. #4 (10:00)
Wong Chung Fai (aka Sin:Ned): Computer
Chau Kin-Wai: Computer
Recorded in Hong Kong March 2006
Mixed and mastered by Alok at bitMet studio in Hong Kong June 2006
Cover photo by James Greenfield (
Related sites:
No One Pulse Homepage: (a new mix by Anytone is already uploaded)
No One Pulse @ Myspace:
Lona Records:
Monitor Records:
Saturday, January 06, 2007
No One Pulse
No One Pulse is my new audio project with Chau Kin-Wai (Sleepatwork/Anytone/ok_static)....
Two new limited edition CD-R are scheduled to be released as follow:
Tele (Lona Records) - Jan 2007
Pathic (Little Sound) - Feb 2007
There will also be a live performance with other Lona Records artists on Jan 20 @ Videotage (Cattle Depot)
IOIO + PNF + LWTV Live @ De-Javu
Artist: IOIOI (Female electronic+experimental artist from Italy)
Guests: PNF, LWTV
Date: Jan-6 (Sat)
Time: 9:00 pm
Ticket: $60
Venue: De-Javu
Flat K, 1/F, Po Foo Building
1 Foo Ming St.
Hong Kong
Guests: PNF, LWTV
Date: Jan-6 (Sat)
Time: 9:00 pm
Ticket: $60
Venue: De-Javu
Flat K, 1/F, Po Foo Building
1 Foo Ming St.
Hong Kong
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