Monday, December 26, 2016

NOISE to SIGNAL 0.42: Not Your World Music

12.27: Book Launch
Not Your World Music: Noise in South East Asia
Artist Talk by Cedrik Fermont

Cedrik Fermont aka C-Drik (DE)

Date: Dec-27, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Venue: Art & Culture Outreach
Address: 14/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Admission: Free Donation

Jointly presented by Re-Records, SECOND & Art & Culture Outreach

Venue sponsor: Art & Culture Outreach

For Enquiry:
12.28: Performance
NOISE to SIGNAL 0.42: Not Your World Music

C-Drik (DE)
Breathing Machines (DE)
Eric Wong + Chin King (HK) feat Conny Zenk (AT)
arkajolie + Adam Leung (HK)

Opening guests:
3x3x3 + Sin:Ned (HK)

Admission: Pay What You Want

Date: Dec-28, 2016
Time: 9:00 PM
Venue: Focal Fair
Address: 28/F, Park Avenue Tower, 5 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

Jointly presented by Re-Records, SECOND & Focal Fair

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Composite: Noise(s) MNL + HK

Composite: Noise(s) MNL + HK is a soundscape project, a sound performance, and a cultural exchange between artists from Manila and Hong Kong. Invited experimental musicians, sound artists and other creatives who are working with sound will conduct a field recording in a selected site. The materials they gathered will be part of a collaborative composition intended for live performance.

Composite Noise(s) MNL + HK is to be presented by Post Cubao’s Selecter FM Session in January 5-7, 2017. Project Direction by Mark Laccay. Co-curated by Dayang Yraola, Caliph8 (MNL) and Sin:Ned (HK).

Support us:

Composite: Noise(s) page:


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

NOISE to SIGNAL 0.41: Noise Cult

NOISE to SIGNAL 0.41: Noise Cult

Cult of noise. Noise as cult.

Eva Aguila (US)
3x3x3 (HK)
No One Pulse (HK)

Admission: Pay What You Want

Date: Nov-19, 2016

Time: 8:30 PM
Venue: Focal Fair
Address: 28/F, Park Avenue Tower, 5 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

Jointly presented by Re-Records, SECOND & Focal Fair

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

PIA 2016: Sin:Ned// Hatam\Hacklander //Yan Jun

PIA 2016: Sin:Ned// Hatam\Hacklander //Yan Jun

13 Nov 2016 - 14:00


PIA 2016:                                           
Sin:Ned Solo
Sin:Ned & Yan Jun


Dennis Wong aka Sin:Ned / Wong Chung-fai, ist ein Improvisator, Experimentalist und Noise Aktivist aus Hong Kong. Wong bezeichnet sich selbst als klangliches Medium und seine Musik als Manifestation verborgener Aspekte seiner Persönlichkeit. Seine musikalischen Praktiken zwischen Klang, Geräusch und Lärm sind gekennzeichnet von einer Suche nach Körperlichkeit. Der Physis von Sounds versucht Wong sich anzunähern durch eine Auseinandersetzung mit klanglichem Chaos, Zufällen und der Ästhetik klanglicher Extreme.

Das Elektronik-Schlagzeug-Duo Hatam\Hacklander steht für einen kompromisslosen Sound, in dem die Tiefen rhythmischer und unrhythmischer Sequenzen ausgelotet werden. Colin Hacklander & Farahnaz Hatam sind die ehemaligen Betreiber des NK in Neukölln und als solche eng verwoben mit dem musikalischen Underground der Stadt. Die beiden Kenner der Berliner Improv- und Noise-Szene scheinen die Essenz der unzähligen Konzerte, die über die Jahre auf der Bühne des NK stattgefunden hatten, aufgesogen und in ihrer Musik gebündelt zu haben.

Sin:Ned & Yan Jun
Zum Abschluss der PIA Konzerte 2016 trifft Dennis Wong aka Sin:Ned in einer sonntäglichen "Noise Matinée" auf seinen Landsmann Yan Jun
Yan Juns Ästhetik ist wie eine Reflektion seines persönlichen nicht-hierarchischen musikalischen Schmelztiegels, wo alles möglich scheint. Sein hauptsächliches Klangmaterial sind Field Recordings und Geräusche, wobei deren klangliche Eigenschaften neben Geräuschhaftigkeit Hochfrequenzen und die Untersuchung von Stille sind. Live bevorzugt Yan Jun “Lo-Tech”-Geräte. Als improvisierendes Duo werden sich Sin:Ned und Yan Jun musikalisch umkreisen und die Charakteristika ihrer Eigenheiten herausarbeiten.

NOISE to SIGNAL 0.SE: Sin:Ned | Dror Feiler | Lars Åkerlund

NOISE to SIGNAL 0.SE: Sin:Ned | Dror Feiler | Lars Åkerlund

Sin:Ned (HK)
Dror Feiler (SE)
Lars Åkerlund (SE)

Date: Nov-11, 2016
Door open: 19:00
Artists on stage: 20:00

Entrance: 60 SEK (Cash only)

Rökerigatan 9
121 62 Johanneshov
Stockholm, Sweden

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

NOISE to SIGNAL 0.40: Stone Tone

NOISE to SIGNAL 0.40: Stone Tone

Carl Stone is one of the pioneers of live computer music, and has been hailed by the Village Voice as “the king of sampling.” and “one of the best composers living in (the USA) today.” He has used computers in live performance since 1986. Stone was born in Los Angeles and now divides his time between Los Angeles and Japan. He studied composition at the California Institute of the Arts with Morton Subotnick and James Tenney and has composed electro-acoustic music almost exclusively since 1972. His works have been performed in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia, South America and the Near East. In addition to his schedule of performance, composition and touring, he is on t...he faculty of the Department of Media Engineering at Chukyo University in Japan.

Carl Stone (US)
Steve Hui (HK)
Dennis Wong (HK)

Admission: HK$100

Date: Nov-3, 2016
Time: 9:00 PM
Venue: Focal Fair
Address: 28/F, Park Avenue Tower, 5 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

Jointly presented by Re-Records, SECOND & Focal Fair

Monday, October 24, 2016

NOISE to SIGNAL 0.39: Sound Cult

NOISE to SIGNAL 0.39: Sound Cult
We are the cult of noise, drone and the underworld of sound…

We've locked all the doors (HK)
黑檀 (HK)
Sin:Ned (HK)

Admission: HK$100

Date: Oct-29, 2016
Time: 8:30 PM
Venue: Focal Fair
Address: 28/F, Park Avenue Tower, 5 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

Jointly presented by Re-Records, SECOND & Focal Fair

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Kill Jazz 02: The Thing

Kill Jazz 02: The Thing
After forming in 1999 as a Don Cherry recording project, Scandinavian garage jazz trio The Thing soon established themselves as one of the most important European jazz groups, playing a variety of compositions, including material by PJ Harvey, Albert Ayler, The White Stripes, Steve Lacy, The Stooges, The Sonics, The Cramps, Lightning Bolt and The Ex. They transformed the music of these artists into a contemporary context, making it their own. As individuals or as a group, they have collaborated with those including, Peter Brötzmann, Sonic Youth, Jim O’Rourke, Thurston Moore, David Grubbs, Eye, The Ex, Pat Metheny, Arto Lindsay, Steve Reid, Kieran Hebden, Merzbow, Christian Marclay, The Nomads, Guy Picciotto, Neneh Cherry and more, all activities fueling the music of The Thing to become what the group is all about.

Main act:
The Thing (NO/SE)
Mats Gustafsson – alto, tenor, baritone and slide saxophone, live electronics
Ingebrigt Håker Flaten – double bass and bass guitar
Paal Nilssen-Love – drums

Supporting acts:
Dominic S Lam + Dennis Wong (HK)

Admission: HK$180 (at door only)

Date: Oct-12, 2016
Time: 9:00 PM
Venue: Focal Fair
Address: 28/F, Park Avenue Tower, 5 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

Jointly presented by Re-Records, SECOND & Focal Fair

Kill Jazz 01: Horse Orchestra & dj sniff

Kill Jazz 01: Horse Orchestra & dj sniff

Horse Orchestra is a Copenhagen-based septet consisting of musicians from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland. The band's spectacular music combines elements from different parts of the history of jazz with boundary-pushing experiments and free improvisation. Classical compositions from 1920's New Orleans and Chicago meet 1960's free jazz (with detours to all sorts of musical movements such as baroque music) and creates an original, post-modern, and not least humorous style.

Horse Orchestra's debut album "Living The Dream" has received much critical acclaim and won two awards at the Danish Music Awards Jazz 2015: "Special release of the year" and "New name of the year".

Main acts:
Horse Orchestra (DK)
dj sniff (JP)

Opening act:
GoGo Monster (HK)

Admission: HK$180 (at door only)

Date: Oct-7, 2016
Time: 9:00 PM
Venue: Focal Fair
Address: 28/F, Park Avenue Tower, 5 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

Jointly presented by Re-Records, SECOND & Focal Fair

Clutter #2



Clutter #2

~We've Locked All The Doors

~Ring Chan

~Ingrid *Arkajolie & Jensen

~Adam Leung

~ Sidabitball

Visuals by inn:sed

Date : October 2
Time : 8:00pm-12:00am
Admission : Free -- Drink Up, Johnny! ;]
Venue : Social Room
Address : 3/F, Won Hing Building, 74-78 Stanley Street, Central District, HK

Wednesday, September 21, 2016



We kill to NOISE!! No System allowed!!

Company Fuck (DE)
Ming Ng + Sin:Ned (HK)
Oetzi.P (HK)

Admission: Pay What You Want

Date: Sep-25, 2016
Time: 9:00 PM
Venue: Focal Fair
Address: 28/F, Park Avenue Tower, 5 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

Jointly presented by Re-Records, SECOND & Focal Fair

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Pendant la Digital Week à Nantes

En collaboration avec L’Ecole des Beaux­ Arts de Nantes Métropole et avec le soutien de la Ville de Nantes et du Dicream - CNC.

Thème : La création en ligne et les pratiques audio urbaines en réseau.

Pour cette deuxième édition de Nantes Electronic Art Rencontre nous souhaitons développer une approche sur la question du Multicast et des pratiques audio urbaines en réseau.
Le multicast est une méthode de distribution “streaming” en temps-réel sur internet qui utilise les possibilités de l'IPv6 et du “peer to peer”.
Cela peut sembler du jargon technique mais le multicast est aussi, dans notre optique, une façon de concevoir l'art numéri...que en réseau; il propose une idée de la multi-distribution des données audio et vidéo et pour les artistes pressentis il représente une autre façon de concevoir la création.
C'est aussi une direction de recherche pour la création quand elle est mise en parallèle avec d'autres axes comme : orchestre en réseau, cyber performance, dispositif d'intervention mobile et géolocalisé, performance urbaine connectée... .
Le thème proposé ouvre un champ curatorial vaste et pointu sur la recherche artistique électronique et numérique : les pôles de recherches se situent dans les problématiques actuelles des possibilités du réseau et des outils numériques qui se sont démocratisés ces dix dernières années.

Mots clefs : Manifeste, art électronique, Fluxus, digital art, interface homme-machine, interaction, logiciel libre et création, expérience immersive, sciences, nouvelles technologies, réseau, internet, streaming, Hacking.

Détails de la programmation :

mercredi 21 septembre
Gratuit - De 10h à 17h (café, thé et petits gâteaux offerts)
Château des Ducs de Bretagne

Séminaire, conférence et échanges sur l’art en réseau et les nouvelles technologies de diffusion en ligne.

Le propos que nous souhaitons développer se situe dans les rapport physique et les relations au virtuel : une nouvelle ère de création artistique est apparu depuis plusieurs décennies, quelles en sont les enjeux? quels en sont les outils, à la fois de compréhension, théorique et pratiques?. Les axes de recherche se trouvent tout à la fois dans la corporalité : présence, espace, distance, puissance sonore, projection, performance…, l’espace social : chat, rencontre, discussion, espace publique…, le réseau : cyberperformance, diffusion streaming, échange de data, contrôle à distance… mais aussi dans l'effacement de certaines frontières notamment entre public et artiste : participation, ateliers, échange, démonstrations et interaction.

Avec : Shelly Knotts, Thierry Besche, Julien Rabin, Marinos Koutsomichalis, Tim Shaw, Jenny Pickett, Julien Ottavi, Matthieu Chamagne, Mathieu Marciani, Don Foresta.

jeudi 22 septembre
Gratuit - 20h
Château des Ducs de Bretagne

Concert d’Orchestre en ligne

L'orchestre en réseau est une des possibilités offertes par le réseau : nombreux sont les musiciens qui commencent à comprendre l'intérêt de s'impliquer dans de tels projets. La distribution du son et des données via le réseau permet de construire des instruments nouveaux qui dépassent la condition physique du musicien face à un public. Il permet de développer de nouveaux types d'écriture musicale basés sur l'écoute du son, au delà du performatif et de l'excellence. Il crée pour le public une relation plus directe avec les musiciens avec la possibilité de discuter (chat) avec eux en direct ou de les écouter soit dans des espaces dédiés, soit chez soi (espaces domestiques)

GIASO - Great Internet Audio Streaming Orchestra
(France, Colombie, Usa, Belgique, Japon, Autriche, Finlande, Allemagne, Hong Kong)
Avec les musiciens : William Nurdin, Kadet Kuhne, Antye / AGF, Ryo Ikeshiro, Eva Ursprung, Philippe Cavaleri, Seamus O'Donnel, Keiko Uenishi, Ana Maria Romano G, Dennis Wong

OFFAL - Orchestra for Female and laptops (Grande-Bretagne et au delà)
With :
Amble Skuse
BBC Performing Arts Fund Music Fellow

Lina Bautista

Shelly Knotts

Libertad Figueroa, my SC: and a short bio:

Vendredi 23 septembre
Gratuit - 20h30
Château des Ducs de Bretagne

Rencontre de musique contemporaine minimaliste autour du compositeur Radu Malfatti.
Radu Malfatti est une figure historique de l'improvisation. Tout d’abord tromboniste, il se présente actuellement plus comme un compositeur. Il a quitté progressivement le champ de l'improvisation pour s'orienter de plus en plus vers de la musique écrite.


Samedi 24 septembre
5€ - 20h30
Les ateliers de Bitche - 3 rue de Bitche 44000 Nantes (derrière le Palais des Congrès).

Concert de musique drone, expérimental et noise


Du mercredi 21 au vendredi 23 septembre
Circularité/Frottement - exposition-performances

C’est une machine qui produit du son à partir des rotations à différentes vitesses de disque faits de matériaux tel que le médium, le plexiglass, l’acier rouillé, l’acier galvanisé, le contre plaqué. Ces matériaux ont différents frottements donc différentes résonnances.

Gratuit du jeudi au vendredi de 14h à 18h
Vernissage le mercredi 21 septembre à 19h + concert live
Maison des Haubans - 1, bis boulevard de Berlin, 44000 Nantes, Tél. 02 40 41 59 60 (Malakoff, arrêt Picasso; Bus C5, descendre à l'arrêt Haubans)

Le Dime propose des concerts de musique électronique mobiles un peu partout dans la ville.
Le jeudi 22 et le vendredi 23 septembre à 12h (voir le site web pour le détails du parcours).

Du 18 au 23 septembre 2016

Exposition Le Poids Des choses

Exposition en 2 axes des étudiants des beaux-arts de Nantes dans le cadre de la Digital Week

>17 septembre 2016
Vernissage à 18h30, 6 place François 2, Nantes.
Ouverture de l’exposition au lieu unique de 16 à 18h

L'ERRANCE au salon de musique, le lieu unique, Nantes
du 18 au 23 septembre 2016,
du mardi au vendredi de 14h à 19h,
dimanche de 15h à 19h

à la galerie des beaux-arts de Nantes, 6 place François 2
du 18 septembre au 2 octobre 2016,
du mercredi au dimanche de 14h à 19h30

> 24 septembre 2016
SOIRÉE PERFORMANCES à 18h dans le cadre de [NEAR] II
Nantes Electronic Art Rencontre

commissariat d’exposition Anaïs Rolez

Quentin Arragon
Perrine Arru
Charles Cailleteau
Collectif Hashbank
Justine Delétang
Margot Gaches
Pernelle Gaufillet
Raphaëlle Kerbrat
Arthur Hureau-Parreira
Édouard Le Boulc’h
Chloé Malaise
Mathilda Nex
Gaspar Nicoulaud
Olivain Porry
Éole Portal-Menichetti
Félix Rodriguez-Sol
Wenjing Zhou
Zeliang Zhou

Le Nantes Electronic Art Rencontre [NEAR] est un nouveau genre de recherche artistique électronique, de présentation publique et de workshop ouvert. Pendant plusieurs jours un groupe d’artistes, théoriciens, geeks et scientifiques est invité à échanger sur l’exploration de plusieurs espaces intermédiaires situés entre la création numérique et électronique, les problématiques de réseau et des inventions créatives de nouveaux dispositifs techniques, immersifs et interconnectés.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

SPARK! v2: Visual Electronic Music

Visual Electronic Music

Feel and see the SPARK again!! Be electrified!!

SPARK! is a new performance series for live visual electronic music featuring the best electronic acts in town!

Live Electronics:
tl;dl (HK)
innsed (HK)

DJ set:
Albert Leung (HK)

Admission: $100

Date: Sep-17, 2016
Time: 9:00 PM
Venue: SAAL
Suit D, 3/F, 54 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
鴻圖道54號,景雲大厦3/F D

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

Presented by Re-Records

Co-organized by SECOND & SAAL

Monday, August 22, 2016

Jockey Club Street Music Series: Experimental Series #4

Jockey Club Street Music Series: Experimental Series #4
賽馬會街頭音樂系列: 實驗音樂系列 #4

Experimental Series is a new platform for young musicians interested in exploring new possibilities in musical forms, musical language, sound, emotional expression and stylistic gestures. Musicians from different genres – modern classical, experimental, jazz, pop and traditional, will be invited to participate in this musical adventure. The concerts will be a presentation of works-in-progress instead of finished pieces. In each concert there will be a post-performance discussion between the participating musicians and the audience.

實驗音樂系列為年青音樂人提供了一個嶄新平台,旨在探索音樂形式、音樂語言、聲音、情感表達以及風格上的可能性。每場音樂會邀請不同風格的音樂人— 由現代古典、實驗音樂、爵士樂、流行樂以至傳統音樂,一同參與這場...音樂的冒險。實驗音樂會展示的往往是尚未完成、仍在進行中的作品。演出後設有座談會,演出的音樂人將與觀衆交流討論。

Date & Time日期、時間: 27/8/ 2016 (Sat 星期六), 8:00pm-10:00pm
Venue地點: Upstairs Theatre, Fringe Club 藝穗會樓上劇場

Performers 演出單位:
- Jasper Fung
- Charles Ng / Karen Yu
- Samson Young
- Dennis Wong

Curator策劃: Kung Chi Shing龔志成

Ticket 門票:
網上預先登記可享優惠票價!Register online to enjoy special ticket price!
Online Registration 網上登記: $60/ *$50 (*Full-time student, elderly and disabled 全日制學生、長者及殘疾人士)
Ticket at Door 即場門票: $80

Online registration will end at 6pm on 26/8/2016 (Fri). 網上登記將於26/8/2016(星期五)下午6時截止。

All tickets should be paid in cash at the reception counter on performance date once you have successfully made an online reservation. For full-time student, elderly and disabled, valid documents must be presented at the reception counter to enjoy the discount.
成功透過網上登記留位之人士,請於表演當日在場外接待處以現金支付票價; 全日制學生、長者及殘疾人士須於接待處出示有效證明文件方可享優惠。

Facebook: HK Street Music
Inquiry 查詢: 25820246/

Co-presented by合辦
Hong Kong Arts Center 香港藝術中心
Kung Music Workshop 龔志成音樂工作室

Major Funder主要捐助機構
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金

Venue Support 場地支持
Fringe Club 藝穗會

Friday, August 19, 2016

Spooky Shit. Live Electronics

Spooky Shit. Live Electronics

Join us on a journey through the bloop-strewn battlefields of reverb-mad synthesists, in search of sonic perspirations hitherto only felt, deep within our collective groin.


~ Dennis Wong

~ Self-Ox Randomness (Timmy Lok, Eddie Hui)


~ We've Locked All The Doors (Paul Turner, Paddy Pudd)

Visuals by Minka Stoyanova

Date : August 20
Time : 6:00-10:00pm
Admission : $ Pay What You Want $
Venue : ACO
Address :
14/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (Exit B of Causeway Bay MTR station, opposite to Tin Lok Lane)


NOISE to SIGNAL 0.37: Linkage

NOISE to SIGNAL 0.37: Linkage

Szkieve (CA/BE)
Ring Chan (HK)
Five Zero Four (HK)

Opening guest: Sin:Ned (HK)

Date: Aug-19, 2016
Time: 8:30 PM
Venue: SAAL
Suite D, 3/F, 54 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
鴻圖道54號,景雲大厦3/F D

Admission: Pay What You Want
門票: 自由定價

** Please do not bring your own beer

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

Jointly presented by Re-Records, SECOND & SAAL

Sunday, July 31, 2016

NOISE to SIGNAL 0.36: Sonic Explorer


NOISE to SIGNAL 0.36: Sonic Explorer

Live coding. Live patching. Live electronics. An exploration of sonic landscape from ground zero to the royal road of uncertainty.

Po-hao Chi (Live coding / TW)
Cheuk Wing Nam (Live coding / HK)
Dennis Wong (Live patching / HK)

Date: Aug-6, 2016
Time: 8:30 PM
Venue: SAAL
Suite D, 3/F, 54 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
鴻圖道54號,景雲大厦3/F D

Admission: Pay What You Want

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

Jointly presented by Re-Records, SECOND & SAAL

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

SPARK! ver.1 Electronic Sound & Vision

SPARK! ver.1
Electronic Sound & Vision

 It is all about electronic sound and vision.

SPARK! is a new performance series for live electronic music and real-time interactive visuals, featuring the best electronic acts in town!

Live Electronics:
Self-Ox Randomness (HK)
Ariel (HK)

袁智聰 Yuen Chi-Chung (HK)

Electronic Vision:
Dennis Wong (HK)

Admission: $80

Date: Jul-2, 2016
Time: 8:30 PM
Venue: SAAL
Suit D, 3/F, 54 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
鴻圖道54號,景雲大厦3/F D

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

Presented by Re-Records

Co-organized by SECOND & SAAL

Friday, June 03, 2016

iPad Musician Workshop @ Macau Cultural Centre

黃仲輝是以Sin:Ned名義創作的即興實驗及噪音演奏家前樂評人同時亦是No One PulseAfter Doom等樂團的核心成員。他是香港實驗音樂廠牌Re-Records的創辦人之一及現任聲音藝術團體「聲音掏腰包」的顧問之一。
Na era digital, criar música já não depende de equipamentos caros e complicados. Agora, qualquer artista pode dar largas à imaginação e criar novas sonoridades utilizando apenas um iPad! Dennis Wong, conhecido músico experimental de Hong Kong, vai monstrar-te como utilizar o iPad e software profissional para criar música cool e original.
In this digital era, making music no longer requires complex and expensive equipment. Now, with only an iPad, music fans can produce new sounds in whatever style, just by a click! Dennis Wong, renowned Hong Kong experimental musician, will show participants how musical gadgets make personalized, cool and original music.
對象 / Público-alvo / Target16歲或以上有興趣之人士 / Maiores de 16 anos / Aged 16 or above
10 - 17.07                           逢星期日 / Dom / Sun       10:30 – 12:30 / 14:30-16:30
人數 / Nº de participantes / No. of participants20
授課語言 / Idioma / Language粵語 / Cantonense / Cantonese
總時數 / Total de horas / Total hours8
費用 / Inscrição / Fee$ 500 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

DEATH & RENEWAL - Kill The Silence: LUFF does Hong Kong

Kill The Silence: LUFF does Hong Kong

Extreme Art Ritual 極端藝術祭典

May 14 (Sat) 7pm

Through the night sea journey of Death & Renewal
There arises a towering figure of death
From which archetypal materials awaken
Until we are no longer silent
Until the ritual...
Becomes the message

Headlined by noise artist T. Mikawa (Hijokaidan/Incapacitants) and Pain Jerk from Tokyo, 'Death & Renewal' is a series of cross disciplinary extreme art performance jointly curated by LUFF and Kill The Silence. From the harsh violence of Torturing Nurse, solo voice of Jason Kahn, cracked electronics of Andy Guhl (Voice Crack), literature interludes of Ramaya Tegegne, to the extreme self-hanging meditation of Kubikukuri Takuzou and Rudolf, and the ritualistic Chinese action painting of Liang Guojian (with William Lane, arkajolie & Dennis Wong), it becomes a ritual that leads you through the experience of dystopia, death and re-birth.

以東京噪音巨匠美川俊治 (非常階段/Incapacitants) 及Pain Jerk壓陣的"Death & Renewal", 是一個由LUFF及Kill The Silence聯手精心策劃的跨媒介極端藝術滙演。由Torturing Nurse的暴力爆破、Jason Kahn的人聲獨演、 Andy Guhl (Voice Crack) 的壞碎電音、Ramaya Tegegne的文學式間奏,以至Kubikukuri Takuzou和Rudolf Eb.er的自吊死亡冥想,及梁國建的祭典式行為水墨 (William Lane, arkajolie, Dennsi Wong),整個𣾀演將轉化成一個祭典,帶你穿越反烏托邦、死亡及重生。

T. Mikawa (JP)
Pain Jerk (JP)
Torturing Nurse (CN)
Jason Kahn (CH)
Rudolf + Kubikukuri Takuzou (CH/JP)
Ramaya Tegegne (CH)
Andy Guhl (CH)
Archetype Ensemble (Liang Guojian / William Lane / arkajolie / Dennis Wong) (CN/HK)

Date: May 14th, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Venue: Multi-media Theatre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity 香港兆基創意書院(Hong Kong)
135 Junction Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Lok Fu MTR Exit B)

Admission: $280 (Student: $140)


** Special Discount Package 特別套票優惠

DECADE Ensemble
13.05.2016 (Fri) 8pm
Ticket Price票價: $180 (Student half-price學生半價)

Shane ASPEGREN (Percussions 敲擊) / Wilmer CHAN 陳柏達 (Double Bass 低音提琴) / CHIN King 錢璟 (Guzhen 古箏) / HakGwai 黑鬼 (Ethnic Instruments 民族樂器) /Sherman HO (Guitar 結他) / Steve HUI 許敖山 (Electronics 電子) / Shadow KIM 金敏靜 (Vocal 人聲) / KUNG Chi Shing 龔志成 (Electric Viola 電子中提琴) / Dennis WONG 黃仲輝 (Chapman Stick) / dj sniff (Turntable 黑膠唱盤)

Discount Scheme
• Half-price tickets are available for senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, full-time students.
• Group Booking Discount - 10% off for each purchase of 5 or more standard tickets
• Special Booking Discount on Presenter’s programmes - 15% off on standard tickets for each purchase of “Kill the Silence: Luff Does HK (Death & Renewal) ” and “Decade Ensemble” together.

Patrons can enjoy only one of the above discount schemes for each ticket. Please inform the box office staff at the time of purchase.

• 設有六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人、全日制學生。
• 集體購票優惠 - 每次購買正價門票5張或以上9折
• 主辦單位特設套票優惠 - 同時購買「Kill the Silence: Luff Does HK」(Death & Renewal) 及「Decade Ensemble」節目的正價門票,可獲85折。


Tickets available from 14 April onwards at all URBTIX outlets, on Internet and by Credit Card Telephone Booking.

Internet Booking 網上購票 :
Credit Card Telephone Booking 信用卡電話購票: 2111 5999
Mobile Ticketing App My URBTIX (Android and iPhone/iPad versions) Booking
流動購票應用程式My URBTIX (Android及iPhone/iPad版) 購票

Ticketing Enquiries 票務查詢: 3761 6661
Programme Enquiries 節目查詢:


Details of Other Programmes

Opening Live
at LIVE Music Association 現場音樂協會 LMA (Macau 澳門)
May 7 (Sat) 9pm
Mai Mai Mai (IT) / Aquiles Hadjis (VE/JP) / Gao Jiafeng (CN) / e:ch bleeds (MO) / Frog.W (MO) / Faslane (MO)

Silence is a Crime
at Focal Fair
May 8 (Sun) 8pm
Mai Mai Mai (IT) / Ryan Jordan (UK) / Aquiles Hadjis (VE/JP) / The Language Lab (HK) / e:ch (MO) / Dominic S Lam (HK) + Unannounced Special Guests

Screenings 放映
at HKSC 香港兆基創意書院多媒體劇場

> May 9 (Mon) 8pm – Themroc by Claude Faraldo (France, 1973, 110’, Colour)

 > May 10 (Tue) 8pm - Worm by Andrew Bowser (USA, 2013, 90’, B&W)

 > May 11 (Wed) 8pm - Kick That Habit by Peter Liechti (Switzerland, 1989, 42’, B&W)
**with opening audio-visual live performance by Andy Guhl)

 > May 15 (Thu) 2pm - After the Apocalypse by Yasuaki Nakajima (USA, 2004, 72’, B&W)

 > May 15 (Thu) 5pm - The Magic of Decay... Decay of the Magic by Stephan E. Hauser (Switzerland, 2010, 45’, Colour/B&W) 

 > May 15 (Thu) 8pm - Aaaaaaah! by Steve Oram (United Kingdom, 2015, 79’, Colour)

Sound installation exhibition 聲音裝置展
at open area of HKSC 香港兆基創意書院戶外空間
May 9-15 (Mon-Sun)
Jason Kahn (CH 瑞士) 、 3 x 3 x 3 (HK 香港)


Presented by Re-Records, Day's Eye Records & LUFF
Co-organized by SECOND & Twenty Alpha

Supported by Swiss Art Council Pro Helvetia
Venue Sponsor: HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
Equipment Sponsor: Miso Tech Co. Ltd


DECADE ENSEMBLE - Kill The Silence: LUFF does Hong Kong

Kill The Silence: LUFF does Hong Kong

May 13 (Fri) 8pm

We swallow the depth of our soul
With Decades of rootlessness

DECADE Ensemble is the first experimental music group in Hong Kong that truly defies musical genres and breaks down boundaries between the academics and the underground. The ensemble was initiated by composer/experimental musician Steve HUI. Each member of the ensemble comes from a very different background, ranging widely from academically trained musicians, self-trained experimentalists, street performers to underground noise practitioners. With the tactical use of unconventional composition, improvisation and instrumentation, the ensemble becomes an alchemical lab of sonic ...transmutation that goes far beyond the original ‘Decade’.

In this debut multi-media performance, the DECADE Ensemble will bring in a wide range of music elements: electronic music, classical music, jazz music, noise music, ethic music, and boil them down into new forms with improvisation. Along this transmutation process, the ensemble will transfigure itself from duo, trio, quintet and at the end, to a full tenet, together with the re-make and original video footage of 100 years of Hong Kong History.

Members of DECADE Ensemble:
Shane ASPEGREN (Percussions) -
Wilmer CHAN 陳柏達 (Double Bass) -
CHIN King 錢璟 (Guzhen) -
HakGwai 黑鬼 (Ethnic Instruments) -
Sherman HO 何嘉進 (Guitar) -
Steve HUI 許敖山 (Electronics) -
Shadow KIM 金敏靜 (Vocal) -
KUNG Chi Shing 龔志成 (Electric Viola) -
dj sniff (Turntable) -
Dennis WONG 黃仲輝 (Chapman Stick) -

Curator: Dennis WONG aka Sin:Ned
Music Director: Steve HUI aka Nerve

Date: May-13th, 2016
Time: 8:00 PM
Venue: Multi-media Theatre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity 香港兆基創意書院 (Hong Kong)
135 Junction Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Lok Fu MTR Exit B)

Admission: $180 (Student: $90)


** Special Package Discount 特別套票優惠

14.05.2016 (Sat) 7pm
Multi-media Theatre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
Ticket Price票價: $280 (Student half-price學生半價)

Discount Scheme
• Half-price tickets are available for senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients.

• Group Booking Discount - 10% off for each purchase of 5 or more standard tickets
• Special Booking Discount on Presenter’s programmes - 15% off on standard tickets for each purchase of “Kill the Silence: Luff Does HK (Death & Renewal) ” and “Decade Ensemble” together.

Patrons can enjoy only one of the above discount schemes for each ticket. Please inform the box office staff at the time of purchase.

• 設有六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人、全日制學生及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士半價優惠。
• 集體購票優惠 - 每次購買正價門票5張或以上9折
• 主辦單位特設套票優惠 - 同時購買「Kill the Silence: Luff Does HK」(Death & Renewal) 及「Decade Ensemble」節目的正價門票,可獲85折。


Tickets available from 14 April onwards at all URBTIX outlets, on Internet and by Credit Card Telephone Booking.

Internet Booking網上購票 :
Credit Card Telephone Booking信用卡電話購票: 2111 5999
Mobile Ticketing App My URBTIX (Android and iPhone/iPad versions) Booking
流動購票應用程式My URBTIX (Android及iPhone/iPad版) 購票

Ticketing Enquiries 票務查詢: 3761 6661
Programme Enquiries 節目查詢:


[DECADE Ensemble]
Presented by Twenty Alpha
Co-organized by SECOND and Re-Records

Supported by:
Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) and West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (WKCDA)

[Kill The Silence: LUFF does Hong Kong]
Presented by Re-Records, Day's Eye Records & LUFF
Co-organized by Twenty Alpha & SECOND

Venue Sponsor of "DECADE Ensemble" & "Kill The Silence: LUFF does Hong Kong": HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity

Equipment Sponsor of "DECADE Ensemble" & "Kill The Silence: LUFF does Hong Kong": Miso Tech Co. Ltd


About the original 'Decade':

‘Decade’ is a digital art project that combines music and cinematic clips to present new narratives of Hong Kong over the past 100 years.

Organised by the Performing Arts Department of West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, and first performed in 2013, the project pairs archival moving images of Hong Kong from the last 10 decades – including footage shot during the Japanese occupation and the reunification of Hong Kong – with music by 10 composers, to create new interpretations of the metropolis. Through the interactive online platform, audiences can also rearrange the music and images and create their own versions of ‘Decade’.

After collaborating with The Modern Academy in 2015 for ‘Decade Reconstructed’, Steve Hui, music director of ‘Decade’, revisits the work for the ‘Kill The Silence’ Festival in Hong Kong. For this latest edition, 10 of the city’s best musicians will form a new ‘DECADE Ensemble’ for a public performance that re-interprets the sound and vision of ‘Decade’.

For more information about ‘Decade’, please visit:

Photo Courtesy
©West Kowloon Cultural District Authority




繼2015年聯同現代學院(The Modern Academy)作曲及演奏課程學員合作推出《再建拾.年》(Decade Reconstructed),《拾.年》音樂總監許敖山將於2016年的Kill The Silence 音樂節中再度改編作品,並且邀請十位香港頂尖音樂人組成「拾.年樂團」,公開演出一場,再現《拾.年》聲影。



SILENCE IS A CRIME - Kill The Silence: LUFF does Hong Kong

Kill The Silence: LUFF does Hong Kong

We are being silenced
But Silence is a Crime

Mai Mai Mai (IT)
Ryan Jordan (UK)
Aquiles Hadjis (VE/JP)
The Language Lab (HK)
e:ch (MO)
Dominic S Lam (HK)
+ Unannouced Special Guests

Date: May-8th, 2016
Time: 8:00 PM
Venue: Focal Fair (Hong Kong)
Address: 28/F, Park Avenue Tower, 5 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Admission: $120 (at door only)

Presented by Re-Records, Day's Eye Records & LUFF

Co-organized by SECOND, Twenty Alpha & Focal Fair

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

OPENING LIVE - Kill The Silence: LUFF does Hong Kong

Kill The Silence: LUFF does Hong Kong

We are going to demolish the old

Mai Mai Mai (IT)
Aquiles Hadjis (VE/JP)
Gao Jiafeng (CN)
e:ch bleeds (MO)
Frog.W (MO)
Faslane (MO)

Date: May-7th, 2016
Time: 9:00 PM
Venue: LMA (LIVE Music Association 現場音樂協會 LMA)

Admission: $120 (at door only)

Presented by Re-Records, Day's Eye Records & LUFF

Co-organized by SECOND, Twenty Alpha & LMA

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries:

Friday, April 08, 2016

Papay Gyro Nights 2016 Hong Kong

Papay Gyro Nights 2016 Hong Kong |
巴比齋魯之夜北歐藝術節 |巨大娘節I 2016香港


(audio visual performances)
tickets: 100 @ the door

about artists:

Annabelle Playe : A multidisciplinary artist, she explores voices, sound, video, and writing depending on her projects. She performs a contemporary vocal repertoire in different shows from the Glossophonies company. She has appeared in the creations by Jacques Diennet as a singer and reader. She has worked with the poet Christian Tarting and the choreographers N+N Corsino. Through her projects, she has met Gérard Siracusa, Richard Dubelski, Jean-Marc Montera, Marc Siffert, Franck Vigroux, Michel Blanc.
She is the author of two monologues: “Ligne” (Line) and Mater that have been published by Alna Editeur. “Mater” was commissioned by Isabelle Krauss (Compagnie Actuel Theatre that was created in 2013.)
She created the AnA company whose remarkable projects mix theatrical and poetic writing, music, and experimental videos. She has created and performed “Ligne” (Line), a performance for which she composed the electroacoustic music, staged by Ludovic Longelin. She has done readings of her text “Des pas dans la guerre” (Steps in war) during the Un Automne à Tisser festival at the Cartoucherie de Vincennes, at the Mauvaise Tête theater in Marvejols, as well as at the Bruits Blancs festival (Anis Gras – Arcueil). Her album “Matrice” (Label DAC) has been played by many international radios and on Radio France. Matrice has become a multimedia performance with Philippe Fontes, a video performer. The duo has performed in France and internationally. Her next album, “Vaisseaux” (Vessels) will be released in early 2015.
She composed and performed the music of “La poupée noire” (The black doll), staged by Jean-Marc Bourg, and based on the poetry by Alejandra Pizarnik.
She created “ANA”, an audiovisual solo, from images by the director Gregory Robin. She sings in “Le miroir des ondes” (The mirror of waves), an album by the percussionist Michel Blanc and the guitarist Marc Ducret (will be released in 2015).

Gregory Robin : Musician, then photographer, Gregory Robin moved towards directing in 2003. He has devoted himself totally to directing since 2006.
Gregory Robin has been involved in the painting world since childhood, and he developed and demonstrated a visual awareness very early. He prefers the camera to brushes. His first shots already showed a very personal esthetic, playing with the grain and blurring. This visual research guided him to other media like the Super 8 with which he started out as a director. Although his filmography is mainly made up of documentary creations, his interest in dealing with genres drove him to explore their interdisciplinarity, imparting a style to reality, which sometimes ends up close to fiction. He has come back to the experimental form in his film Entrailles, filmed at the mining museum in Saint-Etienne. His future projects demonstrate this orientation.
In 2012, he and Joël Caron created Après la Guerre Films (After the War Films), an organization that makes creation films. In 2014, he partnered with Jean-Philippe Raymond and Julien Féret to create the production company Far Center Films.

Makino Takashi born in Tokyo in 1978. Makino began making films in 1997. In 2001, after graduating from the Cinema Department of Nihon University College of Art, where he majored in Cinematography, he went to London alone to study under the Quay Brothers. He mainly studied film music and lighting. Makino continued to make films after returning to Japan and has held solo screenings regularly since 2004. He met Jim OfRourke in 2005, which accelerated his film making pace. His film, No is E won the Terayama Shuji Prize at the Image Forum Festival 2007. Makino was prominently featured at the International Film Festival Rotterdam 2008, where Elements of Nothing was nominated for the Tiger Award. Since then, as Japanfs leading experimental film artist, his films have been invited for screenings at more than 30 international film festivals and video art festivals. His installation using 35mm film and HD was exhibited at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography. In 2009, still in cosmos won the Grand-Prix at the 25FPS International Experimental Film & Video Festival 2009. His first medium-length film, The World, was premiered at a late show at the Kichijoji Baus Theatre in Tokyo, marking the new dawn of experimental films.

Sin:Ned, aka Dennis WONG / WONG Chung Fai, is an improviser, experimentalist and noise addict from Hong Kong. He regards himself as a medium and his works, only manifestation of our hidden sonic aspects. His practice on noise and sound signifies an implicit form of mysticism in search of direct and pure physical experience through chaos, errors and the extremes. As an instrumentalist, he struggles to defy all rational and orthodox structures by pursuing a seemingly meaningless, aimless and purpose-less sonic existence. His works involve a wide range of tools and materials such as Chapman Stick, guitar, laptop, hardware synths, circuit bent instruments, feedback, field recordings and various unusual non-musical objects and devices. He is the co-founder of Re-Records (, Twenty Alpha, SECOND, advisor of soundpocket (, and the Hong Kong producer of JOLT Festival ( In addition to being founding member of experimental outfits No One Pulse, After Doom, adeo and underture, he is also the ritualist behind home brew events such as Kill The Silence Festival, Keep The Silence Festival, Subliminal Lounge, ACO Sound-on-Site, and live performance series NOISE to SIGNAL.
Being a veteran writer of the legendary Hong Kong alternative music magazine MCB (Music Colony Bi-Weekly), his writings had influenced a wide spectrum of experimental musicians and listeners in Hong Kong and China. As a sound improviser, he has offered performance and creative work for concert, sound installation, workshop, audio-visual and theatrical performance such as Get It Louder (2007), Hong Kong & Shenzhen Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (2007, 2009), Architecture is Art Festival (2009), Notch Festival 2009 Guangzhou Station (2009), Against 2012: Fukuoka Extreme Music Festival (2012), New Vision Arts Festival (2012), Miji Festival (2013), Kill The Silence Festival (2013, 2014 & 2015), Freespace Festival (2013), Lacking Sound Festival (2014), Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival (2015), JOLT Touring Festival (2015)…etc.
He has worked with artists such as Zbigniew Karkowski, Otomo Yoshihide, Kazuhisa Uchihashi, Alfred 23 Harth, Yan Jun, Torturing Nurse, dj sniff, and Dickson Dee…etc. His works have been featured in the infamous Belgium imprint Sub Rosa’s “An Anthology of Chinese Electronic Music”and “An Anthology of Noise & Electronic Music Vol. 7”.

8.04 - 8.05.2016
巴比齋魯之夜北歐藝術節 (巨大娘節) 2016香港
