22/1/2011 2:30-4:30pm
座落於尖沙嘴中心地帶的九龍公園,四周環繞著細密都會的節奏。我們每天都隨著這個城市的節拍疾走前行,彼此卻走出不同的步伐。〈公園好聲〉3之《迷走都會節拍》帶來的三個演出單位:Fruitpunch的後朋克節拍、iii的折衷性節拍、KZ(featuring Geniuz F aka Future & Poker aka HO)的Hip Hop節拍;尋找不一樣的都會節拍,反映都市人不一樣的生活態度。
Please scroll down for English Version.
Fruitpunch為香港二人結他組合,成員為Leo(主音、結他)和Patrick(主音、低音結他),風格包括低調Post-Punk、結他噪音和民歌風格等。Fruitpunch於2005年出版首張唱片"Will It End?",其歌曲曾收錄於香港廠牌「維港唱片」及「89268」的合輯內。於2010年12月,Fruitpunch出版第二張唱片《Wind And Sea》。
KZ (featuring Geniuz F aka Future & Poker aka HO)
KZ畸詩 (出道於1998),這名字反映他在別人眼中運用與眾不同,多角度思維 加上寫詩的手法,藉此創作中文說唱,在香港說唱界極具影響力。他的團體 - 生番(出道於2001),則多以黑色幽默的手法道出所遇到的社會問題,諷刺時弊。
多年來,曾參與的演出,包括:無線音樂節目,LMF 2010年復出的音樂會,HOT CHA新碟發佈會及簽唱會,台灣音樂節(與MC HotDog同台)等等中港台各地近百場的演出。
Geniuz.F aka Future,於2008年加入地下說唱團體字遊軍。也於2010年與Poker及香港說唱團隊「生番」之成員 - KZ & Lil' K組成新團隊Dark Side Of The Force。曾與香港身兼beatboxer及producer的VVish 及香港說唱團隊「捌伍起義」的Dough Boy一同創作,曾於Baby Ghetto Rap Battle擔任客席評判。
Poker aka HO (阿豪),於 2010年與Geniuz.F及香港說唱團隊「生番」之兩位成員Lil' K & KZ組成新團隊Dark Side Of The Force。曾與香港說唱團隊「捌伍起義」的Dough Boy一同創作,及於Baby Ghetto Rap Battle擔任客席評判,〈經歷〉為他08年的個人作品
公園好聲 Sound In The Park (策劃、文:袁智聰)
香港著名樂評人。一九八七年投身樂評工作,早年長駐《年青人周報》撰寫音樂文章,又曾在《音樂一週》任職助理編輯。1994年自資創辦音樂雜誌《音樂殖民地雙週刊》(Music Colony Bi-weekly,簡稱MCB),直至2004年10周年休刊,期間曾出版台灣及內地版本,在大中華的影響力無遠弗屆;同年12月開設MCB Online(www.mcb.com.hk)。曾任電台節目《不設劃位》主持。現定期為《東Touch》(香港)、《Yahoo! Music Hong Kong》(香港)、《南方都市報》(廣州)及《Hinoter》(台灣)撰寫音樂專欄,並為《藝綻@冬日》的《公園好聲》、《濕地製造》的《在地球表面》系列戶外音樂表演活動擔任策劃人。
Sound In The Park 2011 (3): In the midst of Urban Beats
Fruitpunch / iii / KZ
22/1/2011 2:30-4:30pm
Chinese Garden, Kowloon Park
In the midst of Urban Beats
Located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Park is constantly in the flux of a variety of urban beats. Yet, different paces and rhythms are lived out even if the city has its own basic tempo. Sound in the Park 3: “In the midst of Urban Beats” proudly presents the post-punk beat of Fruitpunch, the eclectic beat of iii and the hip-hop beat of KZ (featuring Geniuz F aka Future & Poker aka HO). An afternoon of different urban beats, 3 acts of different attitudes towards life.
(Please scroll to the bottom for the schedule and venue of the "Sound in the Park")
Fruitpunch is a two-piece guitar band playing post-punk, guitar noise and folk songs, with members Leo (vocal, guitar) and Patrick (vocal, bass guitar). Fruitpunch launched their first album “Will It End?” in 2005, some of their songs were included in compilations released by “Harbour Records” and “89268”. In December 2010, Fruitpunch launched their second album “Wind And Sea”.
iii is a sample-based laptop group who works on the idea of genres bending. With no fixed members and always in flux, members of iii not only sample from their source materials, but also sample one another and re-sample themselves on stage.iii loves canto-pop and all kinds of outdated cheesy tune and popular icon. But depending on the occasion, one might also spot them playing something else.
KZ (featuring Geniuz F aka Future & Poker aka HO)
KZ (since 1998), is the name of the irrefutable, well-known testimonial to his talent of creating music with unique, multi-perspectives and poetic touch. As a rapper who raps in Cantonese, KZ is enormously influential to the local rappers scene.
His band, sanGfan, was formed in 2001. Everything that goes wrong in the society falls prey to their sarcastic and critical lyrics. sanGfan has played on stage with MC HotDog in Taiwan, TVB's music shows, the reunion gig of LMF in 2010, the launching show of HOT CHA's new album, plus about a hundred of other shows all over the mainlands, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Geniuz.F aka Future joins the underground rap group “Rhyme Flow Army” in 2008. He started a rap group, Dark Side of the Force, in 2010, with Poker and KZ & Lil's from the local rap group sanGfan. He also joined hand in music projects with Vvish – the local beatboxer and producer – as well as Dough Boy from the local rap group 85up2. He has been guest jury to the Baby Ghetto Rap Battle.
In 2010, Poker aka HO started the rap group, The Dark Side of the Force, with Geniuz.F and KZ & Lil's from the local rap group sanGfan. He also joined hand in music projects with Dough Boy from the local rap group 85up2 and was a guest jury to the Baby Ghetto Rap Battle. “Experience” is his solo work in 2008.
Sound in the Park ( Curated by: Yuen Chi-chung)
Outdoor concerts in six different themes take place in six locations in four parks.
“Sound in The Park” is an afternoon concert series aiming to mix music into the park environment. The shows need no stage set, no giant loudspeakers. It is music that is going to be absorbed into the gentle milieu and landscape of the park, furnishing it with more notes of green. Under the winter sun and amidst the comforting environment of the park, music-lovers will have a good chance to enjoy live music in a free and open atmosphere.
A park is a very important outdoor space for people to relax. Given the ever- growing number of people and shopping malls here in Hong Kong, a park is getting even more vital as the public space and resource that city dwellers can share among themselves.
Turning this public space into a music platform and performance venue, Sound in The Park will tour around Hong Kong Park, Kowloon Park, Sha Tin Park and Tuen Mun Park. The piazzas, gardens, amphitheatre and grassland are all places in which great music will be delivered. And the concerts will be tailor-made with themes to fit different park environment.
Great music and the close encounter between music and its audience culminate in a picture that is both eye- and ear-soothing; an enjoyable afternoon filled with the warmth of the sun and the wonders of music. (Text:Yuen Chi-chung)
Yuen Chi-chung
YUEN Chi-chung is best known as the founder of legendary Hong Kong based independent music magazine “Music Colony Bi-weekly” (aka “MCB”). Established in 1994, it was among the most famous and influential music magazines in Chinese region. After a decade as a groundbreaking platform for music reportage and critique, MCB ceased publication in hard-copy format in 2004 and went online (www.mcb.com.hk).
Yuen has been active as a music critic since 1987 and has written about a wide range of artists and music genres. He was the host of weekly Hong Kong radio show “Free Seating”. In addition to his work for MCB online, Yuen writes for other publications and online media in Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China.He was also the curator of the outdoor concert series “Sound In The Park” of “Budding Winter” in 2009 and “Concert on the Earth” of “Made in Wetland”.
時間表 Time Table
22/1/2011 2:30-4:30pm 九龍公園 中國花園
Chinese Garden, Kowloon Park
29/1/2011 2:30-4:30pm 屯門公園 香花園
Scented Garden, Tuen Mun Park
12/2/2011 2-4:30pm 沙田公園 露天劇場
Amphitheatre, Sha Tin Park
26/2/2011 2:30-4:30pm 沙田公園 北園草地
North Garden Lawn, Sha Tin Park
節目查詢Programme enquiry
社群藝術網絡 Community Art Network
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
If you think u r wrong, u r almost right!!
Saturday - Sunday Jan 22- 23, 2011 @葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre
If you think u r wrong, u r almost right!! ─ Unorthodox Remaking of Sound
led by Sin:Ned (Wong Chung-fai)
Creativity is of ultimate importance to our existence. Even the commercial world is investing more and more on training their employees to think “out of the box”. However, we are still facing a creativity crisis — in our everyday life and in our work. What is hindering our ability to think out of the box?
Through examining the history and practice of unorthodox sound making, you will see that the lack of creativity is closely related to the one-sided development of our rational culture, and our learned mentality of seeing errors, chaos, randomness and disorder as undesirable results. With hands-on experiment on unorthodox sound making, you will develop an appreciative eye for the beauty of errors and randomness, which in turn, will free us from our tunnel vision of pure rationality, and enable us to see beyond the box.
黃仲輝 (aka Sin:Ned)
黃仲輝習慣將可以拿上手的都敲敲弄弄﹣﹣他對音樂興趣廣泛,涉獵範圍包括即興演奏、聲音藝術、實驗音樂、噪音藝術、在地錄音等。個人作品包括2006由Lona Records發表的《Uroborus: A Study On No-input Device》和《60 Seconds: A Schizophrenic Manual for Eternity》。曾參與香港視野音樂節(2003),大聲展(2007),香港─深圳城市/建築雙年展(2007、 2009),北歐音樂節廣州站 (2009)等,也曾是香港另類音樂雜誌《音樂殖民地》的主要撰稿人。他是概念電聲學二人組No One Pulse 的成員及實驗音樂廠牌Re-Records的創辦人之一,以及soundpocket的顧問。
Wong Chung-fai (aka Sin:Ned)
Sonic artist and writer (HK)
Wong Chung-fai is an idiosyncratic sonic artist who hacks and twists anything he can put his hands on. His interest ranges widely from improvisation, sound art, experimental music, and noise art to field recordings. His first two solo works, “Uroborus: A Study On No-input Device” and “60 Seconds: A Schizophrenic Manual for Eternity”, were released by Lona Records in 2006.He took part in the HK Sound and Vision Festival (2003), Get It Louder (2007), Hong Kong & Shenzhen Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture (2007, 2009), Notch Festival Guangzhou Station (2009), and was a major contributor to the legendary Hong Kong alternative music magazine MCB (Music Colony B-Weekly). He is a member of the electro-acoustic concept duo No One Pulse and co-founder of the experimental imprint Re-Records and soundpocket’s advisor.
此工作坊為 MaD 2011 活動,更多資料請瀏灠http://www.mad.asia/
an event of MaD 2011, more please refer to www.MaD.asia
If you think u r wrong, u r almost right!! ─ Unorthodox Remaking of Sound
led by Sin:Ned (Wong Chung-fai)
Creativity is of ultimate importance to our existence. Even the commercial world is investing more and more on training their employees to think “out of the box”. However, we are still facing a creativity crisis — in our everyday life and in our work. What is hindering our ability to think out of the box?
Through examining the history and practice of unorthodox sound making, you will see that the lack of creativity is closely related to the one-sided development of our rational culture, and our learned mentality of seeing errors, chaos, randomness and disorder as undesirable results. With hands-on experiment on unorthodox sound making, you will develop an appreciative eye for the beauty of errors and randomness, which in turn, will free us from our tunnel vision of pure rationality, and enable us to see beyond the box.
黃仲輝 (aka Sin:Ned)
黃仲輝習慣將可以拿上手的都敲敲弄弄﹣﹣他對音樂興趣廣泛,涉獵範圍包括即興演奏、聲音藝術、實驗音樂、噪音藝術、在地錄音等。個人作品包括2006由Lona Records發表的《Uroborus: A Study On No-input Device》和《60 Seconds: A Schizophrenic Manual for Eternity》。曾參與香港視野音樂節(2003),大聲展(2007),香港─深圳城市/建築雙年展(2007、 2009),北歐音樂節廣州站 (2009)等,也曾是香港另類音樂雜誌《音樂殖民地》的主要撰稿人。他是概念電聲學二人組No One Pulse 的成員及實驗音樂廠牌Re-Records的創辦人之一,以及soundpocket的顧問。
Wong Chung-fai (aka Sin:Ned)
Sonic artist and writer (HK)
Wong Chung-fai is an idiosyncratic sonic artist who hacks and twists anything he can put his hands on. His interest ranges widely from improvisation, sound art, experimental music, and noise art to field recordings. His first two solo works, “Uroborus: A Study On No-input Device” and “60 Seconds: A Schizophrenic Manual for Eternity”, were released by Lona Records in 2006.He took part in the HK Sound and Vision Festival (2003), Get It Louder (2007), Hong Kong & Shenzhen Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture (2007, 2009), Notch Festival Guangzhou Station (2009), and was a major contributor to the legendary Hong Kong alternative music magazine MCB (Music Colony B-Weekly). He is a member of the electro-acoustic concept duo No One Pulse and co-founder of the experimental imprint Re-Records and soundpocket’s advisor.
此工作坊為 MaD 2011 活動,更多資料請瀏灠http://www.mad.asia/
an event of MaD 2011, more please refer to www.MaD.asia
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