Monday, January 25, 2010

Sound in the Park - Round 4

Date: Sunday, January 31, 2010
Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Kowloon Park

「公園好聲」一系列音樂表演由著名樂評人袁智聰策劃。毋須搭建舞台、毋須巨型揚聲器、毋須在台上有Full Band的器材,一個善用公園裡公共空間的小型音樂演出、親暱的音樂表演方式更難能可貴與貼心動人。每一個公園,都有自己的特色與個性,可以配以不同的音樂。而前身為域多利兵房的香港公園之優雅與保育,九龍公園包圍著的城市節奏,沙田公園的休憩家庭樂,都可以在「公園好聲」裡配以不同風格的音樂演出。﹝節目長約一小時三十分鐘﹞「

公園好聲」第四回:九龍公園 ── 中國花園


(1) S.T.
電子音樂人兼聲影藝術家蔡世豪,自小接受古典音樂訓練,擁有小提琴Trinity演奏級水平。2008年於城市大學創意媒體學院碩士畢業,現從事音樂、視覺藝術、多媒體聲音錄像演出及創作、獨立電影配樂工作等。S.T.是其一人多元化電子音樂與聲影藝術單位。世豪在09年底推出其S.T.首張個人唱片專輯Weird Mind。

(2) No One Pulse
No One Pulse是一個由巢建威 (KWC) 及黃仲輝 (Sin:Ned) 組成的實驗電聲學二人組。透過非傳统的發聲及製樂工具,二人旨在探索一種概念,有關於包含隨機性、混沌結構及微聲法則的即興演奏、自由形態電音。兩人同時亦是實驗廠牌Re-Records的創建人。

(3) 迷你噪音

老B (唱、結他)
陳偉發 (低音結他、結他、和音)
劉子斌 (手風琴)
黃仁逵 (ukulele、結他)
Edmund Leung (鼓、敲擊)

Sound in the Park Curated by seasoned music critic Yuen Chi Chung, the music series allows a close encounter between music and its audience. The shows need no stage set, amplifiers or band equipment, but the very space of the park which a friendly delivery of music speaks to. Each park is a unique space suitable for different kinds of music: the elegant Hong Kong Park revitalised from heritage architecture, the rhythmic Kowloon Park in the heart of the city, and the laid-back Shatin Park popular during family weekends. These parks will be overwhelmed by a wide variety of music. (Programme duration is about one hour and thirty minutes)


Kowloon Park -- Chinese Garden

The Musicians, the people who give you the sound in the park

(1) ST
Choi Sai Ho is an electronic musician and audio-visual artist. S.T. is his solo project. Sai Ho received classical music training since childhood and obtained professional qualification from Trinity (associate recital in violin). He has obtained a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Media at the City University of Hong Kong. In September 2009, Sai Ho released as S.T. first audio-visual album Weird Mind.

(2) No One Pulse
No One Pulse is an experimental / electro-acoustic duo formed by Wong Chung-fai (Sin:Ned) and Chau Kin-wai (KWC). By means of non-musical instruments and devices, the two aim to explore the concept of free improvisation and the world of free-from electronics that embraces randomness, chaotic structure, and microsound methodology. The duo is also the mastermind behind the experimental imprint Re-Records.(

3) mininoise
Local grassroot folk band 'mininoise' has recently released their debut “How Wonderful Life Is”, including songs that have been sung on many street rallies. With the rustic but touching sound, they turned their fury and bitterness in life into beauty. 'mininoise' writes about the wishes from the children in temporary housing area and people in public housing estates; the remembrance of retired worker; bits and pieces quoted from a sex worker's diary. 'mininoise' also feels the tearing heart of families of the workers who died in the construction sites and the heat suspended twenty years ago in the Square -- these are the songs of the dissidents.

Members of 'mininoise':
Old B (vocal, guitar)
Chan Wai-fat (bass guitar, guitar, backing vocal)
Lau Chi-bun (accordion)
Yank Wong (ukulele, guitar)
Edmund Leung (drums, percussion)

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