Monday, February 25, 2019

Subliminal Lounge #04: Circle of Light-Live & Film Screening

Subliminal Lounge #04: Circle of Light-Live & Film Screening
Timmy Lok | Zebra Kills Horse | San Chan

Subliminal Lounge是一個由Re-RecordsSECOND策動的音樂與影像系列,旨在探索及連繫聲、影之間的互動關係。

是次系列之四是我們聯同press : release合辦的放映會及現場演出。

放映的影片是1972Pamela BoneCircle of Light。此影片特別之處,除了其投影機手法,最主要是Delia Derbyshire的電音配樂。Delia Derbyshire乃早期電子音樂的女性先鋒,但一直備受忽略。此影片的原聲配樂,是Delia少數的完整作品紀錄。

我們亦邀請了三位香港電音藝術家,Timmy LokZebra Kills HorseSan Chan為放映會作開場演出。


Subliminal Lounge is an audio & visual series initiated by Re-Records & SECOND to interactively explore and recreate the connection between moving images and sound. 

In this 4th instalment, as a collaboration with press : release, we will be screening Circle of Light, a half-hour-long 1972 film with abstract electronic soundtrack by Delia Derbyshire, who is an unsung female pioneer of early electronic music.

Before the film screening, opening live sets will be presented by Hong Kong electronic musicians Timmy Lok, Zebra Kills Horse and San Chan.


Electronic Live Sets:
Timmy Lok
Zebra Kills Horse
San Chan

Film Screening:
Circle of Light (Pamela Bone, 1972)
Original electronic soundtrack by Delia Derbyshire & Elsa Stansfield

Date: Mar-1, 2019
Time: 8:30 PM
Venue: SAAL
Suite D, 3/F, 54 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
鴻圖道54號,景雲大厦3/F D

Admission: $150 (at door only)

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

Jointly presented by Re-Records, SECOND, press : release & SAAL

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Kill Jazz 09: Dark Radish | Dennis Wong | Sherman

Kill Jazz 09: Dark Radish | Dennis Wong | Sherman

來自法國的三人組Dark Radish,彷佛是後搖滾的根源性重新塑造。當後搖滾已發展成一門被完全規範化及教科書式定義的彊化音樂體裁,Dark Radish由根源重新切入,把後搖滾帶回未被蓋棺定論的盤古初開。近乎Krautrock的推進力,追逼箸混合自由爵士樂及即興新音樂的翻動推演,從核心把搖滾樂解放到體裁與系統以外的無人邊界。


Trance inducing and jazz infected freeform post-rock!

Dark Radish is a French free-rock outfit born from the meeting of three figures of new improvised music, including members of bands Jean-Louis, Sidony Box and Bribes 4. The trio has released a first Ep, a disrupted power trio invoking both free music, post-rock as well as trance music. Dark Radish was born from a creative residency at Pannonica in Nantes, and the project has played in Pannonica (Nantes), Mains d'Oeuvres (Paris, Maad 93 festival), Periscope (Lyon, Résonances festival in partnership with Jazz à Vienna) and more.


Dark Radish are:

Yann Joussein: Drums
Joachim Florent: Double Bass
Manuel Adnot: 8-String Guitar

Supporting guest: 
Dennis Wong aka Sin:Ned (Electronics & Stick)
Sherman (Guitar)

Date: Feb-24, 2019
Time: 8:30 PM
Venue: SAAL
Suite D, 3/F, 54 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
鴻圖道54號,景雲大厦3/F D

Admission: $150 (at door only)

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries

Jointly presented by Re-Records, SECOND & SAAL