Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Kill The Silence Festival 2015 | Hong Kong

[4/25 & 4/26] Kill The Silence Festival 2015 | Hong Kong

This is the 3rd edition of Kill The Silence Festival.

This year, we are taking the festival on tour.

And we will start with a 2 days mega kick-off in Hong Kong with live performance, short films screening and installation, headlined by the Japanese noise legend Hijokaidan (非常階段), and their idol killer project Hatsune Kaidan (初音階段).

April-25 & 26, 2015
Time: 18:00 – 23:00
Venue: Multi-Media Theatre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity...
Address: 135 Junction Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Lok Fu MTR Exit B)


Advance 2 Days Pass (on/before Apr-24): HK$380
At Door Single Day Pass: HK$240

** Early Bird 2 Days Pass will be available at Ticketflap on Mar-9

Live Performance:

Hijokaidan 非常階段 (JP)
Hatsune Kaidan 初音階段 (JP)
Black Zenith (SG)
… aka Nikola Mounoud (CH)
Yousuke Fuyama (JP)
Maxime Petit (FR)
Gaute Granli (NO)
Aquiles Hadjis (JP/VE)
dj sniff & Shane Aspegren (JP/US)
bleeds (MO)
underture (MO/HK)
Kung Chi Shing & Nerve (HK)
After Doom (HK)
The Language Lab (HK)
Phantom (HK)

Sound Sculpture / Installation:

3x3x3 (HK / UK)
Aquiles Hadjis (JP / VE)

Short Films Screening:

soso film (MO)

Jointly presented by Re-Records, Day’s Eye Records & Twenty Alpha

Venue sponsor: HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
Equipment Sponsor: Tom Lee Engineering Ltd.

Web Site: http://kill-the-silence.net/

Program & Ticketing enquiries: rerecordshk@gmail.com
Press Inquiries: +852 2139 5230 / info@twentyalpha.org

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Experimental Garage Sale

Experimental Garage Sale

“Experimental Garage Sale” is an underground convention featuring local artists, labels and instrument makers with their used gears, DIY instruments, new and used CD and vinyl for sale. Come to meet the artists not only for treasure hunt for some rare instruments and one of a kind gears, but also free mini live and workshops, where the participating artists will do demonstration of their gears and unveil the secret behind their performance.

Participating Sellers




Day’s Eye Records
Lona Records
Monstres par Exces

Instrument Makers...

Ambient Electronics


二手CD黑膠交易所 (2nd Hand CD & Vinyl Exchange)

Date: Mar-29, 2015
Time: 1 PM – 9 PM
Venue: Garage, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
135 Junction Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Lok Fu MTR Exit B)
Admission: FREE

Programme & Ticketing Enquiries
Press Inquiries
+852 2139 5230 / info@twentyalpha.org

Jointly presented by Re-Records & Twenty Alpha
Venue Sponsor: HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Time As Prologue│時與光前序

時間:03 / 22 (Sun.)
地點: Changee 噪咖
時間:18:30/入場 19:00/準時開始
入場費:NT$.150 (含飲料)

≼●≽ Time As Prologue│時與光前序




There is no time.

Working with sound is not about working with time. It is about escaping our perception of time, that almost unchangeable concept that holds together and defines our reality.

"Time as Prologue" is an audio and visual performance attempting to go beyond time, to defy time, through the struggle between form and abstraction, continuity and timelessness.

Time shall be irrelevant.

≼●≽ 演出藝術家

[ 黃仲輝 (aka Sin:Ned) ]

香港即興、實驗及噪音演奏者,相信一種可透過混沌、誤差及極端性而直接體驗的純物理性的聲音神秘主義。他是實驗音樂廠牌Re-Records (www.re-records.com) 及Twenty Alpha的創辦人、聲音藝術團體「聲音掏腰包」的顧問,樂團 No One Pulse、After Doom、adeo、underture等之核心成員,亦是演出系列NOISE to SIGNAL 的主謀。

作為一位前樂評人,他的文字劍走偏鋒,影響了一眾香港及中國實驗樂手及聆聽者。作為一位實驗演奏者,他的創作角度依然偏險而富爭議性,並曾參演「大聲展」(2007) 、「港深城市\建築雙城雙年展」(2007,2009) 、「建築是藝術節」(2009) 、「北歐音樂節廣州站」(2009) 、「福岡極端音樂節」(2012) 、「新視野藝術節」(2012) 、「密集音樂節」(2013) 、「Kill The Silence音樂節」(2013,2014)、「自由野」(2013) 、「失聲祭」(2014) 等項目。他的作品,先後被輯錄於比利時先鋒音樂廠牌Sub Rosa的《An Anthology of Chinese Electronic Music》及《An Anthology of Noise & Electronic Music Vol. 7》。

[ Shycacti ]

本名吳修銘(Wu Siou Ming),從事聲音、的影像創作,包含數位音像、裝置、演出、配樂,涵蓋聲音藝術、環境電子音樂。作品常以聽覺的位置出發,探索現代生活中人們的各種信仰與價值的差異,以及人們處於整體環境中的細微感知與其所處的存在形式。


「當這般的白日夢攫住了冥想的人,細節變得模糊,所有的畫面消逝,光陰不覺流走,空間漫無止境的延伸。」- 巴舍拉
「日夢」電子音像演出計劃。「日夢」是一張弛放、環境電子樂類型的小專輯,由shycacti於2013~14年間製作的,共有9首歌曲總長度41分鐘, 專輯名稱的用意不僅是希望能帶給聽眾宛若一場41分鐘的白日夢一般,更著重在開啟聽覺上的各種感受層次,並且也藉著演出的形式,探討不同地方或場域所俱有的獨特感受,與聆聽的經驗之間可能形成的某種關係。

[ 紀柏豪 ]

成長於台灣臺北,作品大致上涵蓋但不限於現場電子、電聲作曲、流行音樂與影視配樂。近期對互動與生成式音樂很感興趣,將透過作曲、演出與裝置等形式,持續探索聲音的可能性。作品集 http://chipohao.com/

演出介紹-Autogenous Noise│自體噪音



Saturday, March 07, 2015

ACO Sound-On-Site | Slow Burn 02

ACO Sound-On-Site | Slow Burn 02

Italian noise musician / idiosyncratic singer-song writer Caligine will be collaborating with French electronic audio/visual artist ~1escV? for the 2nd installment of our Slow Burn series. Wandering between composition and improvisation, audio texture and visual dreaming, they will bring us some electro/acoustic folk tunes with an experimental touch. Sweet ear candies with long lasting after taste. With additional spice up from The Language Lab.

Slow Burn is a series of mini live session for explorative sound and music performance in an intimate format under the new ACO Sound-On-Site program. Every time we will invite different innovative artists and musicians to collaborate o...n creating some challenging but interesting music.

Caligine (Guitar / IT)
~1escV? (Electronics / FR)
The Language Lab (Percussions & guitar / HK)

Date: Mar-14, 2015
Time: 7:30 PM
Venue: Art & Culture Outreach
Address: 14/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Admission: Free Donation

For Enquiry:
2893-4808 / www.aco.hk

Presented by Art & Culture Outreach
Curated by Twenty Alpha & Re-Records

About ACO Sound-On-Site
Sound-On-Site is a site specific program presented by ACO (Art & Culture Outreach) in collaboration with Twenty Alpha and Re-Records. With Sound-On-Site, we aim to develop an intimate and meaningful dialogue between the specific space, the artists and the audiences, and at the same time, create an inspiring art enjoyment experience for the audiences.


《艺鵠場域定聲 | 緩燃 02》

來自意大利,唱作另類民歌的噪音藝術家Caligine,會與法國電子影音藝術家~1escV?合作,為我們緩燃原音與電子、聲音與影像之間的人性交接點。他們是次合作,將會遊走於預編曲子與即興演奏之間。甜美的旋律音色背後,是淡淡的、歷久不散的實驗性回甘。而為他們打頭陣的,是本土敲擊及結他二人組The Language Lab。


Caligine (結他 / 意大利)
~1escV? (電子、影像 / 法國)
The Language Lab (敲擊及結他 / 香港)

日期:三月十四日, 二零一五年

2893-4808 / www.aco.hk

策劃:Twenty Alpha & Re-Records

《場域定聲》是一個由艺鵠主辦,並由Twenty Alpha及Re-Records策劃,以聲音為焦點的場域特定藝術計劃。藝術家及觀眾,會透過不同的特定場域,及富啟發性及趣味性的藝術體驗,進行親密而意味深長的對話。