Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ray Temple + Sin​:​Ned + Torturing Nurse - Live in Japan

Live recordings of Ray Temple (Mafeisan/Mei Zhiyong) + Sin:Ned + Torturing Nurse (at Graf Fukuoka and Bears Osaka) released by Red Venice Records, Ltd Edition C90, 30 Copies, Deluxe Cassette Holder Packaging.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Noise-on-Site : Prologue 噪音現場:序章

2013剛開始,Pin-To Musica 跟澳門全新音樂廠牌Day's Eye Records聯手策劃, 1/13(日)在LMA將帶來《噪音現場:序章》(Noise-on-Site : Prologue),包括澳門神秘噪音人e:ch、香港著名樂評兼聲音藝術家Sin:Ned (黃仲輝)、還有國際知名波蘭先鋒音樂大師Zbigniew Karkowski,勢必帶來本地久違的高分貝極限噪音演出,噪底的你一定要現場親身體驗!!

Noise-on-Site : Prologue

Artists :
- e:ch (MO)
- Sin:Ned (HK)
- Zbigniew Karkowski (PL)

Date: Jan-13, 2013
Time: 8:00 pm
Venue: 現場音樂協會(LMA)
澳門美副將大馬路 48-48D 萬基工業大厦10 樓B
Av. Do Coronel Mesquita, Nos 48-48D, Edif. Ind. Man Kei,10B

HK$100 (at door)
HK$80 (advance reservation)

Ticket Office: 邊度有音樂(Pin-to Musica)

Programme Inquiry:(853) -28921191

Jointly presented by Pin-to Musica & Day's Eye Records

Zbigniew Karkowski (Poland)

茲比格涅夫•卡科夫斯基(Zbigniew Karkowski),1958年3月17日生於波蘭城市克拉可夫,為當今實驗音樂界最受矚目的人物之一。他的音樂創作十分廣泛,當代古典、工業音樂、實驗音樂,乃至流行音樂均有涉足。他也是國際知名高科技多媒體互動表演團體“感應器樂團”(Sensorband)的創始成員

從小接受正規嚴格古典音樂訓練的他,70年代卻受到朋克音樂浪潮洗禮,滿腦子都是The Clash和The Sex Pistols,而由他跟其他幾人在瑞典哥德堡組成的工業搖滾樂隊DNA,風格受Einsturzende Neubauten、Throbbing Gristle、Cabaret Voltaire等工業噪音鼻祖級樂隊的影響。

1985年,卡科夫斯基入讀哥德堡國立音樂學院學習作曲,又於哥德堡大學的音樂學系學習現代音樂美學,在Chalmers理工大學學習電腦音樂。在瑞典完成學業後,又在荷蘭 DenHaag市的皇家音樂學院學習了一年的聲學。在整個求學期間他利用暑假時間參加了許多大師開辦的作曲課程,所有授課的教師都是像梅西安、布列茲、Iannis Xenakis、Georges Aperghis等二十世紀偉大的作曲家,卻唯有Xenakis給他留下最深印象。“我被吸引絕不僅僅因為Xenakis的音樂,而是他那種打破學院派先鋒形式主義的表達方式。那是自然的和自覺的。”卡科夫斯基這樣評價自己的精神導師。


在長達二十多年的創作生涯中,卡科夫斯基曾與許多不同的先鋒樂團、組合和樂手合作演出,除了他與田中能(Atau Tanaka)以及 Edwinvan der Heide組成著名的Sensorband,其他曾合作的還包括The Hafler Trio、Blixa Bargeld、秋田原美(Merzbow)、Stelarc、Kasper.T.Toeplitz、John Duncan、Aube(中島昭文)、古館徹夫(Tetsuo Furudate)、CCCC、岸野一之、Peter Rehberg、Francisco Lopez、Ulf Bilting、Xopher Davidson等。

Zbigniew Karkowski was born in 1958 in Krakow, Poland. He studied composition at the State College of Music in Gothenburg, Sweden, aesthetics of modern music at the University of Gothenburg's Department of Musicology, and computer music at the Chalmers University of Technology. After completing his studies in Sweden, he studied sonology for a year at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Den Haag, Netherlands. During his education, he also attended many summer composition master courses arranged by Centre Acanthes in Avignon and Aix-en-Provence, France, studying with Iannis Xenakis, Olivier Messiaen, Pierre Boulez, and Georges Aperghis, among others. He works actively as a composer of both acoustic and electroacoustic music. He has written pieces for large orchestra (commissioned and performed by the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra), plus an opera and several chamber music pieces that were performed by professional ensembles in Sweden, Poland, and Germany. He is a founding member of the electroacoustic music performance trio "Sensorband." Since 1995 he is based in Tokyo, Japan where he collaborates closely with japanese avantgarde scene. He has extensively toured in Europe, Asia, North America, South America and Australia and his music has been performed at several festivals

Besides working as a composer of contemporary music he has been collaborating with several experimental groups and artists like: The Hafler Trio, Blixa Bargeld, Merzbow, Stelarc, John Duncan, Aube, Tetsuo Furudate, CCCC, KK Null, Antimatter, Francisco Lopez, Kasper T. Toeplitz, Peter Rehberg, Li Chin Sung and has worked on remixing artists and bands like Iannis Xenakis, Clock DVA, Phauss, Jazzkammer, Florian Hecker, TV Pow, Rechenzentrum, Fred Bigot, Fear of God, Nosei Sakata and The New Blockaders.

He has as well written music for film, video, theatre and dance. His scores are published and distributed by STIM in Sweden and until today he has released more than 100 cds by labels all over the World. He is convinced that it is a responsibility of an artist in the present day to travel and work around the World in order to learn and understand different cultures and traditions and discover truth about ourselves and our planet. He also strongly believes that geographical, political and social exile is a necessary condition for true and honest creation. He is not interested in the traditional definition of music, in his opinion, all musical theory and systems as cultural concepts must be destroyed. In his latest work, his main concern is to realize drama with sound - electronic and acoustic walls with the architectures of ruins transcribed in the scores.

Sin:Ned (Hong Kong)

Sin:Ned (黃仲輝),樂評人、實驗電音及聲音藝術創作人。Sin:Ned 最早出現於香港另類音樂雜誌 MCB (音樂殖民地),擅長以實驗性文體及偏險的理論化角度進行音樂論述。 同時沉迷及專門鑽研逆向性的實驗聲音創作,和反傳統的發聲技巧。所指涉的範疇包括即興演奏、聲音藝術、實驗音樂、噪音藝術及田野錄音。曾參與及出演過《香港視野音樂節》、大聲展、深圳香港城市\建築双城双年展等藝術展。他的首兩張個人作品《Uroborus: A Study On No-input Device》及《60 Seconds: A Schizophrenic Manual For Eternity》,均於2006年發表於Lona Records名下。他不但是概念電聲學二人組No One Pulse及筆記本電腦三人組iii的成員,同時亦是實驗音樂廠牌Re-Records的創辦人之一。

Sin:Ned, aka Wong Chung-fai, is an unorthodox sonic evangelist who practices improvisational mysticism. He is the co-founder of Re-Records and No One pulse.

e:ch (Macau)


e:ch is an experimental noise drone project of a macau sound artist

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

microNTSv1: Micro Bend by Zbigniew Karkowski

microNTS is a new performance series combining intimate connection, micro scale operations, small unusual space and mobile performance.

To kick start the series, we are proud to present a live preview of Zbigniew Karkowski’s new audio-visuals work, to be released in a 2 x DVD format in 2013 by Re-Records.

Live sound performance:
Zbigniew Karkowski (Poland)

Opening guest:
Naturalismo (Italy)

Date: Jan-16 2013
Time: 8:30PM
Venue: Lab by Dimension+
Address: 3C, Yip Win Factory Building, 10 Tsun Yip Lane, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

HK$80 (at door only)
** limited seats of 30 only, on a first come first served basis

Enquiry & booking: