Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wikitopia [聲影搗碎派對 Audiovisual Mash-up Party]

藝術家:DJ Pogo (澳洲), iii (香港)
票價: HK$120 (標準/ 即場) HK$100 (學生/ 預售)

我們將為來賓送上以群眾外包方法(crowdsourcing)所集成,並由筆記本樂團iii實現的音樂清單,並請來網絡界紅人Pogo(澳洲電子音樂家及DJ)作DJ / VJmash up表演,以聲影震撼全場,為是次文化祭畫上完美句號。
在這次香港的表演,Pogo除了會表演他的經典remix作品外,亦會多首未曾發表過的新作。表演同時為錄映太奇另一活動「再整香港」(REMAKE HK) 揭幕。

[聲影搗碎派對: 門票買一送一﹗]
1. 給我們提議音樂 (提供歌曲資料如名稱,歌手,或音樂連結)
2. 給我們發送音樂/聲音檔案(您必須是版權擁有者)
3. 從iii的音樂清單中選出喜愛的音樂(即將推出﹗)
任何音樂/聲音類形均無任歡迎! 請放膽建議!

到上述連結登記成為用戶後,按 ”upload files“ 上傳音樂/聲音檔案
在 Indabamusic “comment” 一欄留下你的建議或音樂連結; 亦可選擇在Facebook Event 專頁中留言
你將會透過facebook或indabamusic (depending on which platform you use) 收到一個優惠密碼,你只需連同此密碼聯絡我們並預留門票,即可享買一送一之特別優惠﹗

電子音樂家 / VJ
Pogo(原名Nick Bertke)是來自澳洲伯斯的國際知名電子音樂家及VJ。他的作品風格獨特,多從電影或電影特定的場景中錄取聲音,然後將聲音排序製成新的音樂,深受歡迎。


[Audiovisual Mashup Party]
Artists: Pogo (AU), iii (HK)
Date: 19 September 2010 (Sun)
Time: 8pm-11pm
Venue: tbc
Ticket: HK$120 (Standard/ At Door) HK$100 (Student/ Advance)
::Original price includes ONE Drink::
Please RSVP at

The party will feature a crowdsourcing play list realized by local sound artist group iii and an audiovisual mash up by Australian electronic music artist and DJ, the Internet sensation: Pogo.
The party will also mark the launch of another major project presented by Videotage - REMAKE HK, an online video participatory project regenerating Hong Kong’s history.

[About the artists]

Electronic musician / VJ
Pogo (born Nick Bertke) is an internationally renowned electronic musician and VJ from Perth, Australia. He has gained popularity for his unique work recording small sounds from a film or a specific scene, and sequencing the sounds together to form a new piece of music.
In just a few months, Pogo has developed youtube footprint of over 14 millions views with only 11 videos. He has over 50,000 subscribers, making him one of the most subscribed to independent musicians ever online. He has been sought after and done work with Walt Disney, Pixar, Oprahʼs Harpo Studios, Honda, Subaru, Showtime, Art Basel in Miami, The Guggenheim in NYC and many others.
Although gaining recognition through Youtube, many of Pogo’s tracks are available for download at where examples from his combined discography have been heard over 1,600,000 times.
Pogo is the first VJ ever to strike a long term movie remixing deal with a major movie studio. His first project from Pixar entitled Upular, outpaced Pixarʼs own channel views 2:1, garnering 1.5 millions views in less than a month and was praised by the Wall Street Journal.

iii is a sample-based laptop group who works on the idea of genres bending. With no fixed members and always in flux, members of iii not only sample from their source materials, but also sample one another and re-sample themselves on stage.
iii loves canto-pop and all kinds of outdated cheesy tune and popular icon. But depending on the occasion, one might also spot them playing something else.

Audiovisual Mashup Party: Buy 1 get 1 free!

[Contribute to our Crowdsourcing Playlist]

On 19 September 2010 (Sunday), our Audiovisual Mashup Party will feature a crowdsourcing play list realized by sample-based laptop trio iii and a highly anticipated performance by Australian electronic music artist and DJ, the Internet sensation: Pogo.
We now offer you a chance to get a buy 1 get 1 free party ticket offer (original price: HK$120/$100) by contributing to the crowdsourcing playlist to be realized by local sound trio iii.

Three ways you can contribute to the playlist:
1. Suggest songs that you like. (include information such as the name of artist, song, or link to the song)
2. Send us music / sound files directly (You must be the copyright owner)
3. Choose from iii’s song list (To be released soon!)
Go to this link NOW and suggest a song to us:
Simply sign up and upload your files or post your suggestions to us!
Your contribution will be crucial to this event!
Upload method
Go to the link above and sign up as user. Click “upload files”
Playlist suggestion
Leave your suggestions and URLs in the page “comment” or on this Facebook event page
You will receive a message from us through either facebook or indabamusic (depending on which platform you use) with a special offer code. Contact us with this code to reserve a party ticket and get the buy 1 get 1 free offer!

Submission Deadline: 9/14/2010 (Tuesday)
Contact Person: Ms. Kami Liu
Tel: 2573-1869
WIKITOPIA is a tinyfest on collaborative future and you should PARTICIPATE!

HKNME Fruit and Vegetable Orchestra

3PM/ 5PM performances- Saturday 11 September FREE
3PM/ 5PM performances- Saturday 18 September FREE

日期 Date : 11/9, 18/9 (星期六 Sat)
時間 Time : 3pm & 5pm
...地點 Location : Piazza @ K11 Art Mall 購物藝術館
18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, HK 九龍尖沙咀河內道18號

HKNME 水果和蔬菜樂團!

The HKNME Fruit and Vegetable Orchestra was founded in 2010. Prepare to be surprised by the sounds of fruit and vegetables in a way you've never experienced before. Amplified, distorted, cut, squeezed, processed and hit!

Asia’s first fruit and vegetable orchestra plays music exclusively on organic instruments: carrots, cucumbers, watermelons, apples, coconuts, bok choy and ... durian even? Searching for an affinity of the organic and digital worlds, ever wondered what Steve Reich would sound like on watermelons, or what 'improvised carrot' is?

This performance at K11 will be fun for young and old and is a platform for experimentation and fun. FREE FOR ALL.

Part of K11's Food Art Festival More