Thursday, July 09, 2009

BBC World Service Programmes - Save Our Sounds

Save Our Sounds is a BBC World Service Programmes on urban soundscape, endangered sounds and sound design. In the end of Episode 1 and in Episode 2, you will find me and other Hong Kong artists talking about urban soundscape and endangered sounds....

Episode 1: (currently on-line)

Save our sounds: In the first programme, acoustician Trevor Cox joins a soundwalk in central London and explores the world of acoustic ecology. Trevor meets artists and city planners to discuss how sound influences our lives and affects our well being. Are cities getting noisier or is it just that we're losing the quieter places we once had – the back streets and urban squares where citizens can go for a respite from the wall of noise? How has the soundscape in London changed and what sounds are in danger of being lost in the future?

Episode 2: (will be available next week)

Trevor Cox continues his exploration of the urban soundscape as part of the BBC’s Save our Sounds project.

Today, Trevor meets scientists from the Positive Soundscape Project attempting to influence the future sounds of our cities; and he travels to Hong Kong to meet artists campaigning to save the acoustic heritage of old neighbourhoods, under threat from for commercial redevelopment.