UG-01 Festival Walk
80 Tat Chee Anvenue, Kowloon Tong, HK
Date: Mar-1 to Mar-14, 2007
Sound Installation: Mr. I
Video Editing: domting
Painting: Wilson Tsang
Opening Show
Date: Mar-3, 2007
Time: 3:00pm - 5;00pmArtists:
Wilson Tsang
No One Pulse
Special Guest: ZenLu (Shenzhen)
MC: Wong Chi Chung
MC: Wong Chi Chung
Organised by Lona Records
The Exhibition (1 March – 14 March 2007):
“Listen up: When the Plug is ON” is the very first multi-media exhibition organised by Lona Records. This two-week exhibition at LOG-ON (Festival Walk) will showcase creative works including sound installation, videos and paintings by local independent artists, all of which are centered around the theme of music.
Prick up your ears and keep your eyes wide open once you step into our eye-dazzling exhibition zone—you are walking toward a new aesthetics of experimentalism.
The Opening Show (3 March 2007, 3pm-5pm):
On 3 March 2007, four idiosyncratic experimental artists—Sin:Ned, Wilson Tsang, No One Pulse (aka Sin:Ned and Chau Kin-wai) and our special guest from the mainland China, ZenLu will take us on a two-hour sonic journey. From melancholic piano tunes to minimal or sophisticated atmospheric electronic sounds, they are bound to make an ordinary Saturday afternoon in a bustling shopping mall sparkle with a stream of unique airwaves. (MC: Wong Chi Chung)
On 3 March 2007, four idiosyncratic experimental artists—Sin:Ned, Wilson Tsang, No One Pulse (aka Sin:Ned and Chau Kin-wai) and our special guest from the mainland China, ZenLu will take us on a two-hour sonic journey. From melancholic piano tunes to minimal or sophisticated atmospheric electronic sounds, they are bound to make an ordinary Saturday afternoon in a bustling shopping mall sparkle with a stream of unique airwaves. (MC: Wong Chi Chung)
由香港獨立音樂廠牌Lona Records籌辦的Listen up: When the Plug is ON多媒體藝術展覽,結集本地各界的創作人,分別以聲音裝置、攝影錄像及美術作品的形式,合共營造一個令人耳目一新的視聽環境,展現其獨樹一幟的實驗美學。是次展覽中的所有展品及商品,皆由音樂出發、以音樂為題,探索由音樂延伸至其他藝術形式的可能性。
由香港獨立音樂廠牌Lona Records籌辦的Listen up: When the Plug is ON多媒體藝術展覽,結集本地各界的創作人,分別以聲音裝置、攝影錄像及美術作品的形式,合共營造一個令人耳目一新的視聽環境,展現其獨樹一幟的實驗美學。是次展覽中的所有展品及商品,皆由音樂出發、以音樂為題,探索由音樂延伸至其他藝術形式的可能性。
開幕表演(2007年3月3日, 3:00pm – 5:00pm):
這次開幕表演請來了多位大膽創新、意念獨特的另類/實驗音樂人,包括 Sin:Ned、Wilson Tsang、實驗電音樂團No One Pulse和來自中國內地的特別嘉賓ZenLu,為大家帶來少有接觸的另類聲音——從深沉憂悒的鋼琴音樂到簡約微模或結構嚴密的氣氛化電音,他們將以其獨一無二的聲響創作迸發出電波流竄的無限靈感。此外,我們亦有幸邀得資深音樂人/DJ黃志淙擔任當日的司儀,作為觀眾最親切合適的音樂解說人。
這次開幕表演請來了多位大膽創新、意念獨特的另類/實驗音樂人,包括 Sin:Ned、Wilson Tsang、實驗電音樂團No One Pulse和來自中國內地的特別嘉賓ZenLu,為大家帶來少有接觸的另類聲音——從深沉憂悒的鋼琴音樂到簡約微模或結構嚴密的氣氛化電音,他們將以其獨一無二的聲響創作迸發出電波流竄的無限靈感。此外,我們亦有幸邀得資深音樂人/DJ黃志淙擔任當日的司儀,作為觀眾最親切合適的音樂解說人。